National Board for Higher Mathematics
(Department of Atomic Energy)
Department of Mathematics




Prof. S. Ramanan




Chennai Mathematical Institute and Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai


Subject Area






Lecture Hall I, Dept of Mathematics




4.00 pm - 5.30 pm




September 26 - 30, 2005


Event Title


"Global Formalism of Calculus (Mathematical Panorama Lectures)"




Differentiation is a process which gives a linear approximation of a function near a given point in its domain of definition. This process, which is developed, a priori, over domains in the Euclidean space $R^n$, can be transferred to other smooth geometric objects.

Such generality is forced on one, if one wants to study problems in geometry and physics. For example, differential equations regarding heat have to be studied on the (insulated) surface in which heat distribution takes place. Hydrodynamical flows take place in three dimensions, general
relativity studies a 4-dimensional object, and so on.

The proper framework for this study is that of differential manifolds, tensor fields on them and differential equations governing them. This short course will deal with the formalism which enables such a study.


Prof S. Ramanan

Professor S. Ramanan is one of the leading mathematicians of the country. He is internationally recognised as an outstanding expert in Algebraic Geometry (especially in the area of modulii problems). He has also done some very beautiful work in Differential Geometry: his joint paper with
M.S. Narasimhan on Universal Connections has been very influential: it enabled (among other things) S.S. Chern and B. Simons to introduce what is known as the Chern-Simons invariant which has proved useful in Theoretical Physics.

Ramanan retired as Distinguished Professor in the School of Mathematics of Tata Institute of Fundamental Researh (TIFR), Mumbai. He is a brilliant expositor of mathematics, with a broad scholarship. He is a Fellow of all the three national science academies and is a recipient of the Shanti
Swarup Bhatnagar Prize and the Third World Academy of Sciences Prize for Mathematics. He has been a visiting professor at many leading universities in the world. In 1978 he gave one of the prestigious 50-minute invited talks at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki, and has also been speaker at many major international conferences. In 1999, he was extended the privilege of speaking on some aspects of the work of Andr Weil, one of 20th century~Rs greatest mathematicians, on the occasion of his being awarded the prestigious Inamouri Prize. Ramanan has written an excellent book on Differential Geometry, entitled ~SGlobal Calculus~T, published recently by the American Mathematical Society.


National Board for Higher Mathematics
(Department of Atomic Energy)
The role of mathematics in every human endeavour has been increasing rapidly over the last several decades. And Mathematics itself has grown at a tremendous pace over these years. It is important that our mathematical community keeps pace with these developments. Members of the community and students need exposure to these fast developments. The Mathematical Panorama Lectures is a series of short courses on diverse mathematical topics planned by NBHM to meet this need. The courses are to be given by outstanding experts in the different fields at suitable venues in
different metros. Many of them will be arranged in Bangalore with the cooperation of the Indian Institute of Science. Each course will attempt to take its audience through a mathematical topic of current interest beginning from some basic material and leading up to some relatively recent developments in the field. The courses will provide opportunities for mathematicians to get acquainted with areas with which they are not familiar, and also serve as introductions to these areas to students and research scholars. NBHM expects these courses to encourage the spread of
wide scholarship in mathematics in the mathematical community, especially among the up-coming generation of talented youngsters. It is also proposed to video record the lectures and make them accessible from various websites.
 International Congress of Mathematicians 2010
India has made a bid to hold the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in 2010 (in New Delhi). ICM which takes place once in 4 years is by far the most important meeting of the international mathematical community. It is at the ICMs that the Fields Medal, considered the
equivalent of the Nobel Prize (which is not available to mathematics) is awarded (to upto 4 mathematicians). The Mathematical Panorama Lectures among other things aim to help the mathematical community in the country to derive the maximum benefit from such a big event, at which our mathematicians will have the opportunity of interacting with the very best minds visiting India and delivering lectures at the ICM; many of them are likely to spend extended periods of time before and after the meeting. ICM itself is built around some 20 odd ~Splenary talks~T (in which some of the most eminent mathematicians will give the general mathematical audience an overview of important developments in their fields) and about 200 other invited talks (of a more technical nature) addressed to specialists in different areas of mathematics.


Contact: +91 (80) 2293 2711, +91 (80) 2293 2625
E-mail: chairman.math[at]iisc[dot]ac[dot]in