Whitehead's theorems let us deduce that spaces are homotopy equivalent under appropriate hypothesis in terms of algerbaic topology. These are in terms of homotopy groups, so are often used in conjunction with Hurewicz theorem.
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Let $(X, x_0)$ and $(Y, y_0)$ be path-connected CW complexes.
Given a map $f: (X, x_0) \to (Y, y_0)$, we get an induced map on $\pi_1$.
Definition: We say $Y$ is aspherical if $\pi_k(Y, y_0)= 0$ for all $k > 1$.
Theorem (Whitehead): Assume $Y$ is aspherical
Corollary: If $X$ and $Y$ are aspherical and have the same fundamental group, then they are homotopy equivalent.
Corollary: If all homotopy groups of a CW complex vanish, then it is contractible.
We define the homotopy on $X^{(0)} \times [0, 1]$ as follows:
We no longer assume aspherical but assume that spaces are CW-complexes.
Theorem: If $f: X \to Y$ induces isomorphisms on all homotopy groups, then $f$ is a homotopy equivalence.
Question: How do we define $H_*(G)$ in terms of $G$ directly/algebraically?