

Register a new function for retrieving equation theorems. We generate equations theorems on demand, and they are generated by more than one module. For example, the structural and well-founded recursion modules generate them. Most recent getters are tried first.

A getter returns an Option (Array Name). The result is none if the getter failed. Otherwise, it is a sequence of theorem names where each one of them corresponds to an alternative. Example: the definition

def f (xs : List Nat) : List Nat :=
  match xs with
  | [] => []
  | x::xs => (x+1)::f xs

should have two equational theorems associated with it

f [] = []


(x : Nat) → (xs : List Nat) → f (x :: xs) = (x+1) :: f xs
Instances For

    Return equation theorems for the given declaration. By default, we not create equation theorems for nonrecursive definitions. You can use nonRec := true to override this behavior, a dummy rfl proof is created on the fly.

    Instances For

      Register a new function for retrieving a "unfold" equation theorem.

      We generate this kind of equation theorem on demand, and it is generated by more than one module. For example, the structural and well-founded recursion modules generate it. Most recent getters are tried first.

      A getter returns an Option Name. The result is none if the getter failed. Otherwise, it is a theorem name. Example: the definition

      def f (xs : List Nat) : List Nat :=
        match xs with
        | [] => []
        | x::xs => (x+1)::f xs

      should have the theorem

      (xs : Nat) →
        f xs =
          match xs with
          | [] => []
          | x::xs => (x+1)::f xs
      Instances For

        Return a "unfold" theorem for the given declaration. By default, we not create unfold theorems for nonrecursive definitions. You can use nonRec := true to override this behavior.

        Instances For