Lectures in Statistics
An Indo-French Workshop
[In honour of Professor C.R. Rao who turned 100 on September 10, 2020]
Dates: January 14-17, 2021 (4 days)
Course Contents
The target audience of the lectures is 3rd year undergraduate students, with honours/major in Statistics and 1st year postgraduate students in Statistics. Keeping in mind (1) the areas which are covered in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Statistics in India, (2) current areas of research in Statistics, and also (3) possible background of participants, it is intended to cover topics which are of the following two broad types.
(1) Standard topics: Topics in Statistical inference, Linear models, Regression techniques which are usually covered in undergraduate honours programs in Statistics and/or postgraduate programs in Statistics. However, it is intended to discuss them in greater depth, conceptual and/or technical.
(2) Advanced topics: Mixed effect models and application in biopharmacy, Exponential inequality with applications in Statistics.
Mode of Delivery: Virtual meeting
Supported by: Indo-French Centre for Applied Mathematics and Indian Statistical Institute
Indo-French Workshop 2021
Application Deadline: December 18, 2020
Apply online at http://appzone.co.in/ifcam/rfp/