
Organizing Committee
Resource Persons
Workshop and Conference
Request for Participation
Programme Schedule


Workshop and Symposium on Mathematical Physiology

January 15 - 23, 2011

Physiology is one of the oldest branches of biology to have attracted systematic theories of structure and function. The Nobel prize winning study of nerve impulse propagation by Hodgkin and Huxley, or physical basis of the regulation of insulin secretion by beta cells, are just two examples of their importance and applicability. Modern investigation in the field relies heavily on mathematics to complement our understanding. The twin goals of this meeting are to encourage and enhance pedagogy and research in mathematical aspects of physiology among students and researchers.

The conference comprises of two components: a week-long tutorial Workshop and a two-day Symposium.

The Workshop, January 15 - 21, 2011 is designed to increase awareness about mathematical modeling in physiology. Participants will attend an intensive series of lectures as well as hands-on sessions on various topics in Physiology, which will introduce them to classical as well as the state-of-the art in modeling. The tutorials on are aimed largely at MSc level students, however many others are likely to find them attractive as well.

Participants will be resident at accommodation arranged near IISER Pune for the duration of the Workshop.

The workshop will be immediately followed by two days of research talks:

The Symposium, January 22 - 23, 2011 hopes to bring together theoreticians and experimentalists who work on - or would like to foray into - theoretical and mathematical approaches to physiology.

Topics of interest at the Workshop and Symposia include: cell signaling, metabolism, neuroscience, cardiac dynamics, chronobiology, insulin secretion and control and many others.

Click here for: Selected Participants List


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