Biographical Sketch
Phoolan Prasad held a distinguished chair of MSIL Professorship during 1993-96 in the Mathematics Department of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and was also the Chairman of the Department during 1996-2000. He was born in a small village Khejuri, Ballia, U.P., India. His wife, Mandra and he have a daughter Deepika and son Amritanshu. As a student of B.Sc.(Hons) and M.Sc., he won many medals for proficiency in mathematics from Calcutta University during 1962-64. For his research contribution in nonlinear waves, he was awarded S.S.Bhatnagar Prize in 1983 by the Government of India. Fellow of all three academies in India: National Academy of Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences and Indian National Science Academy; he has played in India a very important role in the development of quality education in mathematics from school education to research. He organised the training camps for International Mathematical Olympiad and worked for the Indian participation to IMO which became a reality since 1989. He has edited a book "Nonlinear Dispersive Waves in One-dimensional Dispersive Systems" by his teacher P.L.Bhatnagar in Oxford Mathematical Monographer Series (1979) and authored jointly with Prof.(Mrs.) Renuka Ravindran a book "Partial Differential Equations" published in 1985 by John Wiley and Wiley Eastern. Most of the material of his third book "Propagation of a curved shock and Nonlinear Ray Theory" by Longman Higher Education (1993), and forth book " Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves in Multi-dimensions", Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2001, is based on the research work of his group at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He was a member of the National Board for Higher Mathematics, Government of India from 1986-1996 and Vice President of Ramanujan Mathematical Society (1991-2001) and is now President of the Society.