MA 333-Riemannian Geometry Autumn 2024 - Vamsi Pritham Pingali

The texts we will be referring to are as follows :
1. John Lee, Riemannian Geometry - An introduction to curvature (primary text).
2. Peter Petersen, Riemannian geometry.

The course description (along with pre-requisites) can be found on this webpage.

Instructors : Vamsi Pritham Pingali,

Classroom and timings : TBA

The Grading policy : 20% for the HW, 30% for the Midterm, and 50% for the Final/Project (depending on the size of the class).


The Midterm shall be held on TBA. The syllabus is TBA.

The Final/project presentations shall be held on TBA.

Ethics: Read the information on the IISc student ethics page. In short, cheating is a silly thing. Don't do it. As for the quizzes based on HW, write them up on your own. You are NOT allowed to discuss them amongst yourselves.

Here is the tentative schedule. (It is subject to changes and hence visiting this webpage regularly is one of the best ideas in the history of best ideas.)



 Syllabus covered


Making HW great again


 HW to be submitted on

 Homework (subject to changes; please check regularly)