Let $\mathfrak g$ be a Borcherds–Kac–Moody Lie superalgebra (BKM superalgebra in short) with the associated graph $G$. Any such $\mathfrak g$ is constructed from a free Lie superalgebra by introducing three different sets of relations on the generators: (1) Chevalley relations, (2) Serre relations, and (3) Commutation relations coming from the graph $G$. By Chevalley relations we get a triangular decomposition $\mathfrak g = \mathfrak n_+ \oplus \mathfrak h \oplus \mathfrak n_{-}$, and each root space $\mathfrak g_{\alpha}$ is either contained in $\mathfrak n_+$ or $\mathfrak n_{-}$. In particular, each $\mathfrak g_{\alpha}$ involves only the relations (2) and (3). In this talk, we will discuss the root spaces of $\mathfrak g$ which are independent of the Serre relations. We call these roots free roots of $\mathfrak g$. Since these root spaces involve only commutation relations coming from the graph $G$ we can study them combinatorially using heaps of pieces and construct two different bases for these root spaces of $\mathfrak g$.