Instructor: | Arvind Ayyer |
Office: | X-15 (new wing) |
Office hours: | Tuesday, 4:30-5:30pm |
Phone number: | (2293) 3215 |
Email: | (First name) at iisc dot ac dot in |
Class Timings: | Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 11:00 — 11:50am |
Classroom: |
G - 21, OPB To join the course on MS Teams, use the code aicr78k |
Textbooks: |
TAs and office hours: |
Email ids are in paranthesis and end with at iisc dot ac dot in, and offices are in the maths department.
Tutorials: | Tuesdays 9:00 — 9:50am, G-01 and G-21 |
The date for the midterms and final will be announced later.
Here are the weights for the homework and exams.
All marks will be posted online on Teams.
week | date | sections | material covered | homework and other notes |
1 | 1/1 | (T) 2.1 | Peano axioms | No homework :) |
3/1 | (T) 2.2-2.3 | Basic axioms | 2.2.1, 2.2.4, 2.2.6, 2.3.2, 2.3.4 | |
2 | 6/1 | (T) 3.1-3.2 | ZF Axioms 1-10 | 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.1.7, 3.1.10 |
7/1 | - | Quiz 1 |
- | |
8/1 | (T) 3.3 | Relations and functions | 3.3.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4 | |
10/1 | (T) 3.4-3.6 8.1, 8.3 |
Cardinalities of sets, countability | 3.3.2, 3.3.5, 3.6.5, 3.6.6 8.1.2, 8.1.6, 8.3.3 |
3 | 13/1 | (T) 8.5 | Axiom of choice, Zorn's lemma | 8.4.1, 8.5.3, 8.5.11, 8.5.18 |
14/1 | - | Holiday |
- | |
15/1 | (T) 4.1 - 4.4 | Integers, rationals and gaps in them | 4.1.3, 4.1.8, 4.2.6, 4.4.2 | |
17/1 | (B) 1.1-1.2 2.1-2.2 |
Pigeonhole principles and mathematical induction | Chap. 1: 2, 4, 9, 13 Chap. 2: 3, 5, 8, 11 |
4 | 20/1 | (B) 3.1-3.3 | Permutations, choices and the binomial theorem | Chap. 2: 14, 28 Chap. 3: 1, 3, 6, 15, 20, 26 |
21/1 | - | Quiz 2 |
- | |
22/1 | (B) 4.3, 5.1, 5.3 | Combinatorial identities, compositions and partitions | ||
24/1 | (B) 5.2, 6.1 | Set partitions | ||
5 | 27/1 | (B) 7.1-7.2 | Permutations by cycles | |
28/1 | - | Discussion |
- | |
29/1 | (B) 8.1 | Inclusion-Exclusion formulas and Ordinary generating functions |
31/1 | (B) 8.2 | Exponential generating functions | ||
6 | 3/2 | Class cancelled |
- | |
4/2 | - | Quiz 3 |
- | |
5/2 | (B) 9.1 | Graph theory definitions and Eulerian tours | ||
7/2 | (B) 10.1 | Trees and Cayley's formula | ||
7 | 10/2 | (B) 10.4 | Spanning trees and the matrix-tree theorem | |
11/2 | - | Discussion |
- | |
12/2 | (B) 12.1 | Planar graphs | ||
14/2 | - | Exam week |
- | |
8 | 17/2 | Midsemester exam |
- | |
18/2 | - | Exam week |
- | |
19/2 | Exam week |
- | ||
21/2 | Exam week |
- | ||
9 | 24/2 | (IR) 1.1 | Unique factorization in integers | |
25/2 | - | Discussion |
- | |
26/2 | (IR) 1.1-1.2 | Unique factorization in polynomial rings | ||
28/2 | Class cancelled |
- | ||
10 | 3/3 | (IR) 1.3-1.4 | Principal ideal domains, Z[i] and Z[ω] | |
4/3 | - | Quiz 4 |
- | |
5/3 | (IR) 2.1 | Infinitude of primes and Dirichlet's theorem | ||
7/3 | (IR) 2.2 | Arithmetic functions | ||
11 | 10/3 | (IR) 3.1-3.3 | Congruences in Z | |
11/3 | - | Discussion |
- | |
12/3 | (IR) 3.3-3.4 | Euler's theorem, Fermat's little theorem and Chinese Remainder Theorem | ||
14/3 | (IR) 4.1 | Units in Zn | ||
12 | 17/3 | (IR) 5.1 | Quadratic residues | |
18/3 | - | Quiz 5 |
- | |
19/3 | (IR) 5.2-5.3 | Law of quadratic reciprocity | ||
21/3 | (DF) 1.1-1.2 | Basic properties of groups | ||
13 | 24/3 | (DF) 1.3-1.6 | Examples of groups, homomorphisms and isomorphisms | |
25/3 | - | Discussion |
- | |
26/3 | (DF) 1.7, 2.1 | Group actions Subgroups |
28/3 | (DF) 2.2-2.3 | Centralizers, normalizers and cyclic groups | ||
14 | 31/3 | Holiday |
- | |
1/4 | - | Quiz 6 |
- | |
2/4 | (DF) 2.3, 3.1 | Subgroups of cyclic groups and quotient groups | ||
4/4 | (DF) 3.1 | Quotient groups and cosets | ||
15 | 7/4 | (DF) 3.2, 3.3 | Lagrange's theorem and first isomorphism theorem | |
8/4 | - | Discussion |
- | |
9/4 | (DF) 4.1-4.3 | Cayley's theorem and class equation | ||
11/4 | ||||
19 | ?/4 | - | Final Exam |