Abstracts of the Research Papers
- Characterisation of Fueter mappings and their
Jacobians : We continue the study of a class of real
analytic mappings (christened Fueter mappings) from open subsets
of IR n into IR n. This class has connections with
spaces of holomorphic functions and functions of quaternionic and
octonionic variables. We characterise such mappings by a system
of partial differential equations and determine conditions for
their K-quasiconformality in the sense of Ahlfors. We also
charcterise the Jacobian matrices of these mappings. The Jacobian
matrices form a family of subgroups of GL(n, IR) (which are
mutually isomorphic) parametrised by certain projective spaces.
- Characterisation theorems for compact hypercomplex
manifolds : We have defined and studied some
pseudogroups of diffeomorphisms which generalise the complex
analytic pseugroups. A 4-dimensional (or 8-dimensional) manifold
moddelled on these `Fueter pseudogroups' turns out to be a
quaternionic (respectively octonionic) manifold.
We characterise compact Fueter manifolds as being products of
compact Riemann surface with appropriate dimensional spheres. It
then trnspires that a connected compact quaternionic (IH)
(respectively O) manifold X, minus a finite number of
circles (its `real set'), is the orientation double covering of
the product Y ×P 2, (respectively Y ×P 6), where Y is a connected surface equipped with a
canonical confrmal structure and P n is n-dimensional
real projective space.
A corollary is that the only simply-connected compact manifolds
which can allow IH (respectively O) structure are S 4
and S 2 ×S 2 (respectively S 8 and S 2×S 6).
Previous authors, for example Marchiava and Salamon, have studied
very closely-related classes of manifolds by differential
geometric methods. Our techniques in this paper are function
theoretic and topological.
- Zero-sets of quaternionic and octonionic analytic
functions with central coefficients : We prove that the
zero set of any quaternionic (or octonionic) analytic function f
with central (that is, real) coefficients is the disjoint union of
codimension two spheres in IR 4 or IR 8
(respectively) and certain purely real points. In particular, for
polynomials with real coefficients, the complete root-set is
geometrically characterisable from the lay-out of the roots in the
complex plane. The root-set becomes the union of a finite number
of codimension 2 Euclidean spheres together with a finite number
of real points. We also find the preimages f- 1(A) for any
quaternion (or octonion) A.
We demonstrate that this surprising phenomenon of complete spheres
being part of the solution set is very markedly a special `real'
phenomenon. For example, the quaternionic or octonionic Nth
roots of any non-real quaternion (respectively octonion) turn out
to be precisely N distinct points. All this allows us to do some
interesting topology for self-maps of spheres.
- Non-existence of almost complex structures on products
of even dimensional spheres : In this paper we prove the
following theorem: S 2p ×S 2q allows an almost
complex structure if and only if (p, q) = (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1),(1,3), (3, 1), (3, 3).
- Fueter and hypercomplex structures on smooth
manifolds : Fueter and hypercomplex structures are
compared with f-structure and quaternion structure on smooth
manifolds. It is also shown that a Fueter structure on a smooth
manifold defines a foliation with a canonical complex structure on
- (1, 2)-symplectic structures, nearly Kähler
structures and S 6 : The exact relations between
the Hermitian, the Symplectic and the Nearly Kähler Structures
are established.
The standard complex structure Js on SO(2 n + 1)/U(n) is
shown to be the same as the almost complex structure J1 (one of
the canonical almost complex structure on SO(2 n + 1)/U(n)
considered as a twistor space over (S 2 n, g0)). A
corollary is that S 6 does not allow any complex structure
orthogonal to the standard metric g0.
On an almost complex manifold with an arbitary metric a (1,2)-tensor A is defined. If A is closed as a vector valued
2-form, then it is proved that constant sectional curvature
implies zero curvature. This is related to Hsiung's work, which is
discussed at the end.
- On Kühnel's 9-vertex complex projective plane :
We present an elementary combinatorial proof of the
existence and uniqueness of the 9-vertex triangulation of C
P2. The original proof of existence, due to Kühnel, as
well as the original proof of uniqueness, due to Kühnel and
Labmann, were based on extensive computer search. Recently
Arnoux and Marin have used cohomology theory to present a
computer-free proof. Our proof has the advantage of displaying a
canonical copy of the affine plane over the three-element field
inside this complex in terms of which the entire complex has a
very neat and short description. This explicates the full
automorphism group of the Kühnel complex as a subgroup of the
automorphism group of this affine plane. Our method also brings
out the rich combinatorial structure inside this complex.
- Combinatorial manifolds with complementarity :
A simplicial complex is said to satisfy complementarity if
exactly one of each complementary pair of nonempty vertex-sets
constitutes a face of the complex.
We show that if a d-dimensional combinatorial manifold M with
n vertices satisfies complementarity then d = 0, 2, 4, 8 or 16
with n = 3d/2 + 3 and | M | is a "manifold like a
projective plane". Arnoux and Marin had earlier proved the
converse statement.
- A discrete isoperimetric problem : We prove
that the perimeter of any convex n-gons of diameter 1 is at most
2 n sin(p/2 n). Equality is attained here if and only if n
has an odd factor. In the latter case, there are (up to
congruence) only finitely many extremal n-gons. In fact, the
convex n-gons of diameter 1 and perimeter 2 nsin(p/2 n)
are in bijective correspondence with the solutions of a
diophantine problem.
- A structure theorem for pseudomanifolds : We
introduce the notion of primitive pseudomanifolds and prove that
all pseudomanifolds (without boundary) are built out of the
primitive ones by a canonical procedure. This theory is used to
explicitly determine and count all the pseudomanifolds of
dimension d > 0 on at most d + 4 vertices. As a
consequence, it turns out that their geometric realisations are
either spheres or iterated suspensions of the real projective
- Pseudomanifolds with complementarity : A
simplicial complex is said to satisfy complementarity if exactly
one of each complementary pair of nonempty vertex-sets constitutes
a simplex of the complex. In this article we show that if there
exists a n-vertex d-dimensional pseudomanifold M with
complementarity and either n < d + 7 or d < 7 then d = 0, 2, 4 or 6 with n = 3 d/2 + 3. We also show that if M is a
d-dimensional pseudomanifold with complementarity and the number
of vertices in M is < d + 6 then M is either a set of
three points or the unique 6-vertex real projective plane or the
unique 9-vertex complex projective plane.
- Two dimensional weak pseudomanifolds on seven
vertices : In this article we have explicitly determined
all the 2-dimensional weak pseudomanifolds on 7 vertices. We have
proved that there are (up to isomorphism) 13 such weak
pseudomanifolds. The geometric carriers of them are 6 topological
spaces, three of which are non-manifolds.
- A short proof of the uniqueness of Kühnel's
9-vertex complex projective plane : We introduce the
notion of amicable partitions for combinatorial manifolds with
complementarity. We prove that any 4-dimensional combinatorial
manifold X94 satisfying complementarity has an amicable
partition and any amicable partition determines X94 up to
isomorphism. This gives a short proof of the uniqueness of
Kühnel's 9-vertex complex projective plane.
- Equivelar polyhedra with few vertices : We
know that the polyhedra corresponding to the Platonic solids are
equivelar. In this article we have classified completely all the
simplicial equivelar polyhedra on < 12 vertices. There are
exactly 27 such polyhedra. For each n > - 5, we have
classified all the (p, q) such that there exists an equivelar
polyhedron of type {p, q} and of Euler characteristic n. We
have also constructed five types of equivelar polyhedra of Euler
characteristic - 2 m, for each m > 1.
- Two dimensional weak pseudomanifolds on eight
vertices : We explicitly determine all the
two-dimensional weak pseudomanifolds on 8 vertices. We prove that
there are (up to isomorphism) exactly 95 such weak
pseudomanifolds, 44 of which are combinatorial 2-manifolds. These
95 weak pseudomanifolds triangulate 16 topological spaces. As a
consequence, we prove that there are exactly three 8-vertex
two-dimensional orientable pseudomanifolds which allow degree
three maps to the 4-vertex 2-sphere.
- The edge-minimal polyhedral maps of Euler
characteristic - 8 : In 1990, a {5, 5}-equivelar
polyhedral map of Euler characteristic -8 was constructed. In
this article we prove that {5, 5}-equivelar polyheral map of
Euler characteristic -8 is unique. As a consequence, we get
that the minimum number of edges in a non-orientable polyhedral
maps of Euler characteristic -8 is > 40. We have also
constructed {5, 5}-equivelar polyhedral map of Euler
characteristic -2m for each m > 3.
- Non-existence of 6-dimensional pseudomanifolds with
complementarity : In a previous paper the second author
showed that if M is a pseudomanifold with complementarity
other than the 6-vertex real projective plane and the 9-vertex
complex projective plane, then M must have dimension > 5,
and - in case of equality - M must have exactly 12 vertices. In
this paper we prove that such a 6-dimensional pseudomanifold does
not exist. On the way to proving our main result we also prove
that all combinatorial triangulations of the 4-sphere with at
most 10 vertices are combinatorial 4-spheres.
- Degree-regular triangulations of torus and Klein bottle : A triangulation of a connected closed surface is
called weakly regular if the action of its automorphism group on
its vertices is transitive. A triangulation of a connected closed
surface is called degree-regular if each of its vertices have the
same degree. Clearly, a weakly regular triangulation is
degree-regular. In 1999, Lutz has classified all the weakly
regular triangulations on at most 15 vertices. In 2001,
Datta and Nilakantan have classified all the degree-regular
triangulations of closed surfaces on at most 11 vertices.
In this article, we have proved that any degree-regular
triangulation of the torus is weakly regular. We have shown that
there exists an n-vertex degree-regular triangulation of the
Klein bottle if and only if n is a composite number > 8.
We have constructed two distinct n-vertex weakly regular
triangulations of the torus for each n > 11 and a (4m +2)-vertex weakly regular triangulation of the Klein bottle for
each m > 1. For 11 < n < 16, we have classified all
the n-vertex degree-regular triangulations of the torus and the
Klein bottle. There are exactly 19 such triangulations, 12 of
which are triangulations of the torus and remaining 7 are
triangulations of the Klein bottle. Among the last 7, only one
is weakly regular.
- A note on the existence of {k, k}-equivelar polyhedral maps: A polyhedral map is called {p, q}-equivelar if each face has p edges and each
vertex belongs to q faces. In [12], it was shown that there exist infinitely many geometrically realizable {p, q}-equivelar polyhedral maps if q > p = 4, p > q = 4 or q − 3 > p = 3. It was shown in [6] that there exist infinitely many {4, 4}- and {3, 6}-equivelar polyhedral maps. In [1], it was shown that {5, 5}- and {6, 6}-equivelar polyhedral maps exist. In this note, examples are constructed, to show that infinitely many self dual {k, k}-equivelar
polyhedral maps exist for each k > 4. Also vertex-minimal non-singular {p, p}-pattern are constructed for all odd primes p.
- Combinatorial triangulations of homology spheres :
Let M be an n-vertex combinatorial triangulation of a
Z2-homology d-sphere. In this paper we prove that if n < d + 9 then M must be a combinatorial sphere. Further, if
n = d + 9 and M is not a combinatorial sphere then M can not
admit any proper bistellar move. Existence of a 12-vertex
triangulation of the lens space L(3, 1) shows that the first
result is sharp in dimension three.
In the course of the proof we also show that any Z2-acyclic
simplicial complex on < 8 vertices is necessarily
collapsible. This result is best possible since there exist
8-vertex triangulations of the Dunce Hat which are not
- Degree-regular triangulations of the double-torus :
A connected combinatorial 2-manifold is called
degree-regular if each of its vertices have the same degree. A
connected combinatorial 2-manifold is called weakly regular if
it has a vertex-transitive automorphism group. Clearly, a weakly
regular combinatorial 2-manifold is degree-regular and a
degree-regular combinatorial 2-manifold of Euler characteristic
-2 must contain 12 vertices.
In 1982, McMullen et al. constructed a 12-vertex
geometrically realized triangulation of the double-torus in
IR3. As an abstract simplicial complex, this triangulation is
a weakly regular combinatorial 2-manifold. In 1999, Lutz showed
that there are exactly three weakly regular orientable
combinatorial 2-manifolds of Euler characteristic -2. In this
article, we classify all the orientable degree-regular
combinatorial 2-manifolds of Euler characteristic -2. There are
exactly six such combinatorial 2-manifolds. This classifies all
the orientable equivelar polyhedral maps of Euler characteristic
- Uniqueness of Walkup's 9-vertex
3-dimensional Klein bottle : Via a computer search,
Altshuler and Steinberg found that there are 1296 +1
combinatorial 3-manifolds on nine vertices, of which only one is
non-sphere. This exceptional 3-manifold K39 triangulates the
twisted S 2-bundle over S 1. It was first constructed
by Walkup. In this paper, we present a computer-free proof of the
uniqueness of this non-sphere combinatorial 3-manifold. As
opposed to the computer-generated proof, ours does not require
wading through all the 9-vertex 3-spheres. As a preliminary
result, we also show that any 9-vertex combinatorial 3-manifold
is equivalent by proper bistellar moves to a 9-vertex neighbourly
- Minimal triangulations of
sphere bundles over the circle : For integers d > 1 and e = 0 or 1, let S1, d -1(e) denote the sphere product S1×Sd - 1 if e = 0 and the
twisted sphere product S1 ×- Sd-1 if e = 1. The main
results of this paper are : (a) if d º e (mod
2) then S1, d - 1(e) has a unique
minimal triangulation using 2d+3 vertices, and (b) if d º 1 - e (mod 2) then S1, d -1(e) has minimal triangulations (not unique) using
2d+4 vertices. In this context, a minimal triangulation of a
manifold is a triangulation using the least possible number of
vertices. The second result confirms a recent conjecture of Lutz.
The first result provides the first known infinite family of
closed manifolds (other than spheres) for which the minimal
triangulation is unique. Actually, we show that while
S1, d - 1(e) has at most one (2d +3)-vertex triangulation (one if d º e (mod 2),
zero otherwise), in sharp contrast, the number of non-isomorphic
(2d + 4)-vertex triangulations of these d-manifolds grows
exponentially with d for either choice of e. The
result in (a), as well as the minimality part in (b), is a
consequence of the following result : (c) for d > 2, there
is a unique (2d + 3)-vertex simplicial complex which
triangulates a non-simply connected closed manifold of dimension
d. This amazing simplicial complex was first constructed by
Kühnel in 1986. Generalizing a 1987 result of Brehm and
Kühnel, we prove that (d) any triangulation of a non-simply
connected closed d-manifold requires at least 2d + 3
vertices. The result (c) completely describes the case of
equality in (d). The proofs rest on the Lower Bound Theorem for
normal pseudomanifolds and on a combinatorial version of
Alexander duality.
- Three dimensional pseudomanifolds
on eight vertices : A normal pseudomanifold is a
pseudomanifold in which the links of simplices are also
pseudomanifolds. So, a normal 2-pseudomanifold triangulates a
connected closed 2-manifold. But, normal d-pseudomanifolds form
a broader class than triangulations of connected closed
d-manifolds for d > 2. Here, we classify all the 8-vertex
neighbourly normal 3-pseudomanifolds. This gives a classification
of all the 8-vertex normal 3-pseudomanifolds. As a preliminary
result, we show that any 8-vertex 3-pseudomanifold is equivalent
by proper bistellar moves to an 8-vertex neighbourly
3-pseudomanifold. This result is best possible since there exists
a 9-vertex non-neighbourly 3-pseudomanifold (B39 in
Example 7 below) which does not allow any proper bistellar move.
- Lower bound theorem for normal
pseudomanifolds : In this paper we present a
self-contained combinatorial proof of the lower bound theorem for
normal pseudomanifolds, including a treatment of the cases of
equality in this theorem. We also discuss McMullen and Walkup's
generalised lower bound conjecture for triangulated spheres in
the context of the lower bound theorem. Finally, we pose a new
lower bound conjecture for non-simply connected triangulated
- On Walkup's class K(d) and a minimal triangulation of
(S3 ×- S1)#3 : For d > 1, Walkup's class K(d) consists of the d-dimensional simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links
are stacked (d-1)-spheres. Kalai showed that for d > 3, all
connected members of K(d) are obtained from stacked
d-spheres by finitely many elementary handle additions.
According to a result of Walkup, the face vector of any
triangulated 4-manifold X with Euler characteristic c
satisfies f1 > 5f0 - 15c/2-1, with equality only
for X in K(4). Kühnel observed that this implies
f0(f0 - 11) > -15c-1, with equality only for 2-neighborly
members of K(4). Kühnel also asked if there is a
triangulated 4-manifold with f0 = 15, c = -4 (attaining
equality in his lower bound). In this paper, guided by Kalai's
theorem, we show that indeed there is such a triangulation. It
triangulates the connected sum of three copies of the twisted
sphere product S3 ×- S1. Because of Kühnel's inequality, the
given triangulation of this manifold is a vertex-minimal
triangulation. By a recent result of Effenberger, the
triangulation constructed here is tight. Apart from the neighborly
2-manifolds and the infinite family of (2d+ 3)-vertex sphere
products S d-1 ×S1 (twisted for d odd), only
fourteen tight triangulated manifolds were known so far. The
present construction yields a new member of this sporadic family.
We also present a self-complete proof of Kalai's result.
- From the icosahedron to natural triangulations of CP2 and S2 ×S2 : We present two constructions in this
paper : (a) A 10-vertex triangulation CP 210 of the
complex projective plane CP 2 as a subcomplex of the join
of the standard sphere (S 24) and the standard real
projective plane (RP 26, the decahedron), its
automorphism group is A4; (b) a 12-vertex triangulation
(S 2 ×S 2)12 of S 2 ×S 2 with
automorphism group 2S5, the Schur double cover of the symmetric
group S5. It is obtained by generalized bistellar moves from a
simplicial subdivision of the standard cell structure of S 2×S 2. Both constructions have surprising and intimate
relationships with the icosahedron. It is well known that
CP 2 has S 2×S 2 as a two-fold branched cover; we construct the
triangulation CP 210 of CP 2 by presenting a
simplicial realization of this covering map S 2 ×S 2 ® CP 2. The domain of this simplicial map is a
simplicial subdivision of the standard cell structure of S 2×S 2, different from the triangulation alluded to in
(b). This gives a new proof that Kühnel's CP 29
triangulates CP 2. It is also shown that C
P 210 and (S 2 ×S 2)12 induce the
standard piecewise linear structure on CP 2 and S 2×S 2 respectively.
- A triangulation of CP3 as symmetric cube of S2 : The symmetric group Sym(d) acts on the Cartesian product
(S2)d by coordinate permutation,
and the quotient space (S2)d/Sym(d) is homeomorphic to the complex projective space C
Pd. We used the case d=2 of this fact to
construct a 10-vertex triangulation of CP2
earlier. In this paper, we have constructed an 124-vertex
simplicial subdivision
(S2)3124 of the 64-vertex
standard cellulation (S24)3 of
(S2)3, such that the Sym(3)-action on this cellulation naturally extends to an action
on (S2)3124. Further, the
Sym(3)-action on
(S2)3124 is "good", so that
the quotient simplicial complex
(S2)3124/Sym(3) is a
30-vertex triangulation CP330 of C
P3. In other words, we have constructed a
simplicial realization
(S2)3124 ® C
P330 of the branched covering
(S2)3 ® C
- On polytopal upper bound spheres : Generalizing a result (the case k = 1) due to M. A. Perles, we show that any polytopal upper bound sphere of
odd dimension 2k + 1 belongs to the generalized Walkup class Kk(2k + 1), i.e., all its vertex links
are k-stacked spheres. This is surprising since it is far from obvious that the vertex links of polytopal upper
bound spheres should have any special combinatorial structure.
It has been conjectured that for d ¹ 2k + 1, all (k + 1)-neighborly members of the class Kk(d)
are tight. The result of this paper shows that the hypothesis d ¹ 2k +1 is essential for every value of
k > 0.
- Higher dimensional analogues of the map colouring problem : After a brief discussion of the history of the problem, we
propose a generalization of the map coloring problem to higher
- On k-stellated and k-stacked spheres : We introduce the class Sk(d) of k-stellated (combinatorial) spheres of dimension d (-1 < k < d+2) and compare and contrast it with the class Sk(d) (-1 < k < d+1) of k-stacked homology d-spheres. We have S1(d) = S1(d), and Sk(d) Í Sk(d) for d > 2k-2. However, for each k > 1 there are k-stacked spheres which are not k-stellated. For d < 2k -1, the existence of k-stellated spheres which are not k-stacked remains an open question.
We also consider the class Wk(d) (and Kk(d)) of simplicial complexes all whose vertex-links belong to Sk(d-1) (respectively, Sk(d-1)). Thus, Wk(d) Í Kk(d) for d > 2k-1, while W1(d) = K1(d). Let [`(K)]k(d) denote the class of d-dimensional complexes all whose vertex-links are
k-stacked balls. We show that for d > 2k+1, there is a natural bijection M®[`M] from Kk(d) onto [`(K)]k(d+1) which is the inverse to the boundary map ¶:[`(K)]k(d+1) ® Kk(d).
Finally, we complement the tightness results of our recent paper [5] by showing that, for any field F, an F-orientable (k+1)-neighborly member of Wk(2k+1) is F-tight if and only if it is k-stacked.
- An infinite family of tight triangulations of manifolds : We give explicit construction of vertex-transitive tight triangulations of d-manifolds for d > 1. More explicitly, for each d > 1, we construct two (d2+5d+5)-vertex neighborly triangulated d-manifolds whose vertex-links are stacked spheres. The only other non-trivial series of such tight
triangulated manifolds currently known is the series of non-simply connected triangulated d-manifolds with 2d+3 vertices constructed by Kühnel. The manifolds we construct are strongly minimal. For d > 2, they are also tight neighborly as defined by Lutz, Sulanke and Swartz. Like Kühnel's complexes, our manifolds are orientable in even dimensions and non-orientable in odd dimensions.
- On stellated spheres and a tightness criterion for combinatorial manifolds : We introduce the k-stellated spheres and consider the class Wk(d) of triangulated
d-manifolds all whose vertex links are k-stellated, and its subclass W*k(d) consisting of the (k+1)-neighbourly members of Wk(d). We introduce the mu-vector of any simplicial complex and show that, in the case of 2-neighbourly simplicial complexes, the mu-vector dominates the vector of Betti numbers componentwise; the two vectors are equal precisely for tight simplicial complexes. We are able to estimate/compute certain alternating sums of the components of the mu-vector of any 2-neighbourly member of Wk(d) for d > 2k-1. As a consequence of this theory, we prove a lower bound theorem for such triangulated manifolds, as well as determine the integral homology type of members of W*k(d) for d > 2k+1. As another application, we prove that, when d ¹ 2k+1, all members of W*k(d) are tight. We also characterize the tight members of W*k(2k + 1) in terms of their kth Betti numbers. These results more or less answer a recent question of Effenberger, and also provide a uniform and conceptual tightness proof for all except two of the known tight triangulated manifolds.
We also prove a lower bound theorem for homology manifolds in which the members of W1(d) provide the equality case. This generalizes a result (the d=4 case) due to Walkup and Kühnel. As a consequence, it is shown that every tight member of W1(d) is strongly minimal, thus providing substantial evidence in favour of a conjecture of Kühnel and Lutz asserting that tight homology manifolds should be strongly minimal.
- Minimal crystallizations of 3-manifolds : We have introduced the weight of a group which has a presentation with number of relations is at most the number of generators. We have shown that the number of facets of any contracted pseudotriangulation of a connected closed 3-manifold M is at least the weight of the fundamental group of M. This lower bound is sharp for the 3-manifolds R P3, L(3,1), L(5,2), S1×S1 ×S1, S2 ×S1, S1 ×- S2 and S3/Q8, where Q8 is the quaternion group. Moreover, there is a unique such facet minimal pseudotriangulation in each of these seven cases. We have also constructed contracted pseudotriangulations of L(kq-1,q) with 4(q+k-1) facets for q > 2, k > 1 and L(kq+1,q) with 4(q+k) facets for q > 3 , k > 0. By a recent result of Swartz, our pseudotriangulations of L(kq+1, q) are facet minimal when kq+1 are even. In 1979, Gagliardi found presentations of the fundamental group of a manifold M in terms of a contracted pseudotriangulation of M. Our construction is the converse of this, namely, given a presentation of the fundamental group of a 3-manifold M, we construct a contracted pseudotriangulation of M. So, our construction of a contracted pseudotriangulation of a 3-manifold M is based on a presentation of the fundamental group of M and it is computer-free.
- Separation index of graphs and stacked 2-spheres : In 1987, Kalai proved that stacked spheres of dimension d > 2 are characterised by the fact that they attain equality in Barnette's celebrated Lower Bound Theorem. This result does not extend to dimension d=2. In this article, we give a characterisation
of stacked 2-spheres using what we call the separation index. Namely, we show that the separation index of a triangulated 2-sphere is maximal if and only if it is stacked. In addition, we prove that, amongst all n-vertex triangulated 2-spheres, the separation index is minimised by some n-vertex flag sphere for n > 5.
Furthermore, we apply this characterisation of stacked 2-spheres to settle the outstanding 3-dimensional case of the Lutz-Sulanke-Swartz conjecture that "tight-neighbourly triangulated manifolds are tight". For dimension d > 3, the conjecture has already been proved by Effenberger following a result of Novik and Swartz.
- Tight triangulations of closed 3-manifolds : A triangulation of a closed 2-manifold is tight with respect to a field of characteristic
two if and only if it is neighbourly; and it is tight with respect to a field of odd characteristic if and only
if it is neighbourly and orientable. No such characterization of tightness was previously known for higher
dimensional manifolds. In this paper, we prove that a triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is tight with respect
to a field of odd characteristic if and only if it is neighbourly, orientable and stacked. In consequence, the
Kühnel-Lutz conjecture is valid in dimension three for fields of odd characteristic.
Next let F be a field of characteristic two. It is known that, in this case, any neighbourly and stacked triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is F-tight. For closed, triangulated 3-manifolds with at most 71 vertices or with first Betti number at most 188, we show that the converse is true. But the possibility of the
existence of an F-tight, non-stacked triangulation on a larger number of vertices remains open. We prove the following upper bound theorem on such triangulations. If an F-tight triangulation of a closed 3-manifold has n vertices and first Betti number b1, then (n-4)(617n- 3861) < 15444b1 +1. Equality holds here if
and only if all the vertex links of the triangulation are connected sums of boundary complexes of icosahedra.
- A characterization of tightly triangulated 3-manifolds : For a field F, the notion of F-tightness of simplicial complexes was introduced by Kühnel. Kühnel and Lutz conjectured that F-tight triangulations of a closed manifold are the most economic of all possible triangulations of the manifold.
The boundary of a triangle is the only F-tight triangulation of a closed
1-manifold. A triangulation of a closed 2-manifold is F-tight if and only if it is F-orientable and neighbourly. In this paper we prove that a triangulation of a closed 3-manifold is F-tight if and only if it is F-orientable, neighbourly and stacked. In consequence, the Kühnel-Lutz conjecture is valid in dimension < 4.
- A construction principle for tight and minimal triangulations of manifolds : Tight triangulations are exotic objects in combinatorial topology.
A triangulation is tight if all its piecewise linear embeddings into euclidean
space are as convex as allowed by the topology of the underlying manifold.
Tight triangulations are conjectured to be strongly minimal, and proven
to be so for dimension two. However, in spite of substantial theoretical results
about such triangulations, there are precious few examples. In fact, apart
from dimension two, we do not know if there are infinitely many of them in
any given dimension.
In this paper, we present a computer friendly combinatorial scheme to obtain tight triangulations, and present new examples in dimensions three, four and
five. Furthermore, we describe a family of tight triangulated d-manifolds,
with 2d-1 [d / 2] ! [(d-1) / 2]!
homeomorphic but isomorphically distinct members for each dimension
d > 1. While we still do not know if there are infinitely many tight
triangulations in a fixed dimension, d > 2, it does look like there are
abundantly many.
- Minimal triangulations of manifolds :
Finding vertex-minimal triangulations of closed manifolds
is a very difficult problem. Except for spheres and two series of
manifolds, vertex-minimal triangulations are known for only few
manifolds of dimension more than 2 (see the table given at the
end of Section 5). In this article, we present a brief survey on
the works done in last 30 years on the following: (i) Finding the
minimal number of vertices required to triangulate a given pl
manifold. (ii) Given positive integers n and d, construction
of n-vertex triangulations of different d-dimensional pl
manifolds. (iii) Classifications of all the triangulations of a
given pl manifold with same number of vertices.
In Section 1, we have given all the definitions which are required
for the remaining part of this article. A reader can start from
Section 2 and come back to Section 1 as and when required. In
Section 2, we have presented a very brief history of
triangulations of manifolds. In Section 3, we have presented
examples of several vertex-minimal triangulations. In Section 4,
we have presented some interesting results on triangulations of
manifolds. In particular, we have stated the Lower Bound Theorem
and the Upper Bound Theorem. In Section 5, we have stated several
results on minimal triangulations without proofs. Proofs are
available in the references mentioned there. We have also
presented some open problems/conjectures in Sections 3 and 5.
- Efficient algorithms to decide tightness : Tightness is a generalisation of the notion of convexity: a space is tight if and only if it is "as
convex as possible", given its topological constraints. For a simplicial complex, deciding tightness has a straightforward exponential time algorithm, but more efficient methods to decide tightness are only known in the trivial setting of triangulated surfaces.
In this article, we present a new polynomial time procedure to decide tightness for triangulations of 3-manifolds - a problem which previously was thought to be hard. In addition, for the more difficult problem of deciding tightness of 4-dimensional combinatorial manifolds, we describe an algorithm that is fixed parameter tractable in the treewidth of the 1-skeletons of the vertex links. Finally, we show that simpler treewidth parameters are not viable: for all non-trivial
inputs, we show that the treewidths of both the 1-skeleton and the dual graph must grow too quickly for a standard treewidth-based algorithm to remain tractable.
- Minimal triangulation, complementarity and projective
planes : Brehm and Kühnel proved that if Md is a
combinatorial d-manifold with 3d/2 + 3 vertices and
|Md| is not homeomorphic to S d then the combinatorial
Morse number of Md is 3 and hence d is in {0, 2, 4, 8, 16} and
|Md| is a manifold like a projective plane in the sense of
Eells and Kuiper.
We discuss the existence and uniqueness of such combinatorial
manifolds. We also present the following result: "Let Mdn be
a combinatorial d-manifold with n vertices. Mdn satisfies
complementarity if and only if d is in { 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 } with
n = 3d/2 + 3 and |Mdn| is a manifold like a projective
- Tight triangulations of some 4-manifolds : Walkup's class K(d) consists of the d-dimensional simplicial complexes all whose vertex links are
stacked (d-1)-spheres. According to a result of Walkup, the face vector of any triangulated 4-manifold X with Euler characteristic c satisfies f1 > 5f0 - 15c/2-1, with equality only for X in K(4). Kühnel
observed that this implies f0(f0 - 11) > -15c-1, with equality only for 2-neighborly members of K(4). For n = 6, 11 and 15, there are triangulated 4-manifolds with f0=n and f0(f0 - 11) = -15c. In this article, we present
triangulated 4-manifolds with f0 = 21, 26 and 41 which satisfy f0(f0 - 11) = -15c. All these triangulated manifolds are tight and strongly minimal.
- On stacked triangulated manifolds : We prove two results on stacked triangulated manifolds in this paper: (a) every stacked triangulation of a connected manifold with or without boundary is obtained from a simplex or the boundary of a simplex by certain combinatorial operations; (b) in dimension d > 3, if D is a tight connected closed homology d-manifold whose ith homology vanishes for 1 < i < d-1, then D is a stacked triangulation of a manifold. These results give affirmative
answers to questions posed by Novik and Swartz and by Effenberger.
- Tight and stacked triangulations of manifolds : Tight triangulated manifolds are generalisations of neighborly triangulations of closed surfaces and are interesting objects in Combinatorial Topology. Tight triangulated manifolds are conjectured to be minimal. Except few, all the known tight triangulated manifolds are stacked. It is known that locally stacked tight triangulated manifolds are strongly minimal. Except for three infinite series and neighborly surfaces, very few tight triangulated manifolds are known. From some recent works, we know more on tight triangulation. In this article, we present a survey on the works done on tight triangulation. In Section 2, we state some known results on tight triangulations. In Section 3, we present all the known tight triangulated manifolds. Details are available in the references mentioned there. In Section 1, we present some essential definitions.
- Equilibrium triangulations of some quasitoric 4-manifolds : Quasitoric manifolds, introduced by M. Davis and T. Januskiewicz in 1991, are topological
generalizations of smooth complex projective spaces. In 1992, Banchoff and Kühnel constructed a 10-vertex equilibrium triangulations of CP2. We generalize this construction for quasitoric manifolds and construct some equilibrium triangulations of 4-dimensional quasitoric manifolds. In some cases, our constructions give vertex minimal equilibrium triangulations.
- Minimal contact triangulations of 3-manifolds : In this paper, we explore minimal contact triangulations on contact 3-manifolds. We give many explicit examples of contact triangulations that are close to minimal ones. The main results of this article say that on any closed oriented 3-manifold the number of vertices for minimal contact triangulations for overtwisted contact structures grows at most linearly with respect to the relative d3 invariant. We conjecture that this bound is optimal. We also discuss contact triangulations for a certain family of overtwisted contact structures on 3-torus.
- Semi-equivelar and vertex-transitive maps on the torus : A vertex- transitive map X is a map on a closed surface on which the automorphism group Aut(X) acts transitively on the set of vertices.
If the face-cycles at all the vertices in a map are of same type then the map is said to be a semi-equivelar map. Clearly, a vertex-transitive map is semi-equivelar. Converse of this is not true in general. We show that there are eleven types of semi-equivelar maps on the torus. Three of these are equivelar maps. It is known that two of the three types of equivelar maps on the torus are always vertex-transitive. We show that this is true for the remaining one type of equivelar map and one other type of semi-equivelar maps, namely, if X is a semi-equivelar map of type [63] or [33, 42] then X is vertex-transitive. We also show, by presenting examples, that this result is not true for the remaining seven types of semi-equivelar maps. There are ten types of semi-equivelar maps on the Klein bottle. We present examples in each of the ten types which are not vertex-transitive.
- The Pachner graph of 2-spheres : It is well-known that the Pachner graph of triangulated n-vertex 2-spheres is connected, i.e., any two triangulated n-vertex 2-spheres are connected by a sequence of edge flips. In this article, we study various induced subgraphs of this graph. In particular, we prove that the subgraph induced by the set of n-vertex flag 2-spheres distinct from the double cone is still connected. In contrast, we show that the subgraph induced by the n-vertex stacked spheres has at least as many connected components as there are trees on [(n-5)/3] nodes of maximum degree < 5.
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