Publication List of Basudeb Datta
(a) Research papers published in peer-reviewed Journals:
B. A. Burton, B. Datta, N. Singh and J. Spreer:
A construction principle for tight and minimal triangulations of manifolds,
Experimental Math. 27:1 (2018), 22-36.
(arXiv:1511.04500, 1511.04500v2/anc/ListOfExamples.pdf)
B. Datta and S. Murai: On stacked triangulated manifolds, Electronic J. Combinatorics 24 (4) (2017), #P4.12, 14 pp.
MR 3711045, Zbl 06791427 (arXiv:1407.6767v3)
B. Datta and D. Maity: Semi-equivelar and vertex-transitive maps on the torus, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 58 (2017), 617-634.
MR 3683032, Zbl 1375.52018 (arXiv:1610.01830)
B. Bagchi, B. Datta and J. Spreer: A characterization of tightly triangulated 3-manifolds, European J. Combin. 61 (2017), 133-137. MR 3588713, Zbl 1352.05199 (arXiv:1601.00065)
B. Bagchi, B. Datta and J. Spreer: Tight triangulations of closed 3-manifolds, European J. Combin. 54 (2016), 103-120.
MR 3459056, Zbl 1337.57051 (arXiv:1412.0412)
B. A. Burton, B. Datta, N. Singh and J. Spreer: Separation index of graphs and stacked 2-spheres, J. Combin. Theory, Ser. A. 136 (2015), 184-197. MR 3383273, Zbl 1319.05103 (arXiv:1403.5862)
- B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Corrigendum to "Combinatorial triangulations of
homology spheres" [Discrete Maths. 305 (2005) 1-17], Discrete Maths. 338 (2015), 569-570. MR 3300744, Zbl 1304.57037
- B. Basak and B. Datta: Minimal crystallizations of 3-manifolds, Electronic J. Combinatorics 21 (1) (2014), #P1.61, 25 pp. MR3192392, Zbl1297.57055 (arXiv:1308.6137)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: On stellated spheres and a tightness criterion for combinatorial manifolds, European J. Combin. 36 (2014), 294-313. MR 3131896, Zbl 1301.52032
B. Datta and N. Singh: An infinite family of tight triangulations of manifolds, J. Combin. Theory (A) 120 (2013), 2148-2163.
MR 3102179, Zbl 06243012
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: On k-stellated and k-stacked spheres, Discrete Math. 313 (2013), 2318-2329.
MR 3084278, Zbl 06249358 (arXiv:1208.1389)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Higher dimensional analogues of the map colouring problem, Amer. Math. Monthly 120:8 (2013), 729-733.
MR 3096481, Zbl 1284.05088 (arXiv:1202.0153)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: On polytopal upper bound spheres, Mathematika 50 (2013), 493-496.
MR 3081783, Zbl 1272.52016 (arXiv:1207.5098)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: A triangulation of CIP3 as symmetric cube of S2, Discrete Comput Geom. 48 (2012), 310-329. MR 2946450, Zbl 1260.57041 (arXiv:1012.3235)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: From the icosahedron to natural triangulations of CIP2 and S2 ×S2, Discrete Comput Geom.
46 (2011), 542-560. MR 2826969, Zbl 1231.51016
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: On Walkup's class K(d) and a minimal triangulation of
(S3 ×- S1)#3, Discrete Math. 311 (2011), 989-995.
MR 2787310, Zbl 1220.57014 (arXiv:0804.2153)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Lower bound theorems for normal pseudomanifolds, Expositiones Math. 26 (2008), 327-351.
MR 2462440, Zbl 1165.52011 (arXiv:0802.3747)
B. Datta and N. Nilakantan: Three dimensional pseudomanifolds on eight vertices, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2008 (2008), Art. ID 254637, 21 pages. MR 2439004, Zbl 1157.57014
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Minimal triangulations of sphere bundles over the circle, J. Combin. Theory (A) 115 (2008), 737-752. MR 2417019, Zbl 1146.52007
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Uniqueness of Walkup's 9-vertex 3-dimensional Klein bottle, Discrete Math. 308 (2008), 5087-5095. MR 2450446, Zbl 1164.57009
B. Datta and A. K. Upadhyay: Degree-regular triangulations of the double-torus, Forum Math. 18 (2006), 1011-1025. MR 2278612, Zbl 1133.57015 (arXiv:math.AT/0508106)
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Combinatorial triangulations of homology spheres, Discrete Maths. 305 (2005), 1-17. MR 2186679, Zbl 1085.57019 (arXiv:math.GT/0506536)
B. Datta: A note on the existence of {k, k}-equivelar polyhedral maps, Beiträge Alg. Geom. 46 (2005), 537-544. MR 2196935, Zbl 1153.52303 (arXiv:math.GT/0506618)
B. Datta and A. K. Upadhyay: Degree-regular triangulations of torus and Klein bottle, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 115 (2005), 279-307. MR 2161733, Zbl 1093.52007
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: Non-existence of 6-dimensional pseudomanifolds with complementarity, Advances in Geometry 4 (2004), 537-550. MR 2096527, Zbl 1069.57012 (arXiv:math.GT/0404225)
U. Brehm, B. Datta and N. Nilakantan: The edge-minimal polyhedral maps of Euler characteristic -8, Beiträge Algebra Geom. 43 (2002), 583-596. MR 2003j: 52013, Zbl 1017.52010
B. Datta and N. Nilakantan: Two dimensional weak pseudomanifolds on eight vertices, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 112 (2002), 257-281. MR 2003c: 57022, Zbl 1008.57018
- B. Datta and N. Nilakantan: Equivelar polyhedra with few vertices, Discrete Comput Geom. 26 (2001), 429-461. MR 2003c: 52012,
Zbl 1004.51028
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: A short proof of the uniqueness of Kühnel's 9-vertex complex projective plane, Adv. in Geom. 1 (2001), 157-163. MR 2002f: 57052, Zbl 978.57021
- B. Datta: Two dimensional weak pseudomanifolds on seven vertices, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana 5 (1999), 419-426. MR 2000i: 57041, Zbl 949.52002
- B. Datta: Pseudomanifolds with complementarity, Geometriae Dedicata 73 (1998), 143-155. MR 99h: 57045, Zbl 913.57014
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: A structure theorem for pseudomanifolds, Discrete Maths. 188 (1998), 41-60. MR 99f: 57027, Zbl 991.62436
- B. Datta: A discrete isoperimetric problem, Geometriae Dedicata 64 (1997), 55-68. MR 97m: 52033, Zbl 876.52001
- B. Datta: Combinatorial manifolds with complementarity, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 104 (1994), 385-388. MR 95g: 57035, Zbl 823.57015
B. Bagchi and B. Datta: On Kühnel's 9-vertex complex projective plane, Geometriae Dedicata 50 (1994), 1-13. MR 95f: 52019, Zbl 808.52013
- B. Datta: (1,2)-symplectic structures, nearly Kähler structures and S 6, J. Indian Math Soc. 60 (1994), 171-190. MR 95g: 53037, Zbl 881.53022
- B. Datta: Fueter and hypercomplex structures on smooth manifolds, SEA Bull. Math. 17 (1993), 127-137. MR 95c:
53057, Zbl 802.58067
- B. Datta and S. Subramanian: Non-existence of almost complex structures on products of even dimensional spheres, Topology & Appl. 36 (1990), 39-42. MR 91k: 57030, Zbl 711.53030
- B. Datta and S. Nag: Zero-sets of quaternionic and octonionic analytic functions with central
coefficients, Bull. London Math. Soc. 19 (1987), 329-336. MR 89j: 30066, Zbl 596.30062
- S. Nag, J. A. Hillman and B. Datta: Characterisation theorems for compact hypercomplex manifolds, J. Australian Math. Soc. (A) 43 (1987), 231-245. MR 88j: 32038, Zbl 646.30040
- B. Datta: Characterisation of Fueter mappings and their Jacobians, Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Maths.
18 (1987), 201-214. MR 88e: 30119, Zbl 631.30040
(b) Survey articles published in Journals:
B. Datta: Minimal triangulations of manifolds, J. Indian Institute of Science 87 (2007), 429-449. MR 2392107 (arXiv:math/0701735)
(c) Research articles published in Conference Proceedings :
B. Bagchi, B. A. Burton, B. Datta, N. Singh and J. Spreer: Efficient algorithms to decide tightness, 32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2016). In: Leibniz Int. Proceedings in Informatics (LIPICS) 51 (2016) 12:1-12:15.
MR 3540855, Zbl 06832269 (arXiv:1412.1547)
(d) Chapters contributed to books:
B. Datta: Minimal triangulation, complementarity and projective planes. In: Geometry from the Pacific Rim (ed.: A. J. Berrick et al.), pp. 77-84, Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin · New York,
1997. MR 98j: 57035, Zbl 886.57014
(e) Articles published in journals of science educations/for students:
- B. Datta: Multiplication on IRn, Part I: Division algebra and vector product, Resonance, 3 (1) (1998), 8-14.
- B. Datta: Multiplication on IRn, Part II: Adams' theorem and applications, Resonance, 3 (2) (1998), 8-15.
- B. Datta: Triangulations of projective spaces, Mathematics Student 82 (2013), 103-116. MR 3156993
(f) Educational articles published in Conference Volumes:
- B. Datta: An Introduction to Fundamental Groups, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference
(held at Calicut) of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society - 2005, pp. 107-116.
(g) Extended abstracts:
B. Datta: On stellated spheres and a tightness criterion for combinatorial manifolds,
Oberwolfach Reports, No. 08/2011, 31-32 (2011). DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2011/08.
(h) Other arXiv articles/preprints:
B. Datta and N. Singh: Tight triangulations of some 4-manifolds.
arXiv:1207.6182, 8 pages.
B. Datta: Tight and stacked triangulations of manifolds. arXiv:1506.00447, 8 pages.
B. Datta and S. Sarkar: Equilibrium triangulations of some quasitoric 4-manifolds.
arXiv:1507.07071, 39 pages.
B. Datta and D. Kulkarni: Minimal contact triangulations of 3-manifolds.
arXiv:1608.03823, 19 pages.
B. A. Burton, B. Datta and J. Spreer: The Pachner graph of 2-spheres. arXiv:1701.05144, 23 pages.
B. Datta and D. Maity: Semi-equivelar maps on the torus are Archimedean. arXiv:1705.05236, 18 pages.
B. Datta and S. Gupta: Degree-regular triangulations of surfaces. arXiv:1711.01247, 17 pages.
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