Research Interest
- Combinatorial Topology and PL-Topology :
Minimal triangulations of manifolds and homology manifolds;
Triangulations of projective spaces;
Tight and tight-neighbourly triangulations of manifolds;
Stacked manifolds; Vertex transitive and degree-regular triangulations of
surfaces; Crystallizations of manifolds.
- Convex and Discrete Geometry :
Isoperimetric problems; Map colouring problems; Equivelar and semi-equivelar polyhedral
maps; Vertex transitive maps; Stacked spheres and lower bound theorems; Flag spheres; Pachner graphs of 2-spheres.
- Differential Topology and Differential Geometry :
Hypercomplex manifolds; Morse functions; Almost
complex, symplectic and Kähler structures; Totally real submanifolds.
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On 19 Jan 2017, 16:48.