Galois Theory of Covering Spaces
due by Monday, Nov 23, 2020
$p: (Y, y_0)\to (X, x_0)$
be a connected cover, let$G =\pi_1(X, x_0)$
and let$H = p_*(\pi_1(Y, y_0))\subset G$
. Then for each of the following conditions, prove or disprove that the condition guarantees that for every point$y_1\in p^{-1}(x_0)$
the based cover$p: (Y, y_1)\to (X, x_0)$
is isomorphic to the based cover$p: (Y, y_0)\to (X, x_0)$
.- (a) the group
is abelian. - (b) the group
is normal in$G$
. - (c) the group
is abelian.
- (a) the group
$(X, x_0)$
be a path-connected topological space. Let$G = \pi_1(X, x_0)$
and consider the space$Y$
and the map$p: Y\to X$
constructed in the lectures corresponding to the subgroup$H = G$
(i.e., when the subgroup of$G$
considered is the group$G$
itself). Prove or disprove each of the following.- (a)
is always a bijection. - (b)
is always continuous. - (c)
is continuous if$X$
is locally path-connected. - (d) the inverse of
exists and is continuous if$X$
is locally path-connected. - (e) the inverse of
always exists and is continuous.
- (a)
$(X, x_0)$
be a path-connected based topological space and consider the space$Y$
and the map$p: Y\to X$
constructed in the lectures corresponding to the some subgroup$H \subset G$
. Let$U$
be a path-connected open subset of$X$
and let$U_{\gamma}$
be an associated set as in the lectures. Prove or disprove each of the following.- (a)
$p\vert_{U_\gamma}: U_\gamma \to U$
is bijective. - (b)
$p\vert_{U_\gamma}: U_\gamma \to U$
is continuous. - (c)
$p\vert_{U_\gamma}: U_\gamma \to U$
is surjective. - (d)
$p\vert_{U_\gamma}: U_\gamma \to U$
has a continuous inverse. - (e)
$p\vert_{U_\gamma}: U_\gamma \to U$
is injective.
- (a)