Theorem Proving:
Enumeration, Computation, Deduction
Computer-Assisted proof components
Automated Deduction
Limits of Set theory and First-order Logic
- Goal: Use computers to greatly increase our ability to discover and prove
mathematical results across areas of mathematics.
- Why?
- How?
Learn to search for, construct and recognize useful mathematical objects.
- There are infinitely many prime numbers.
- There are arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions all of whose elements are prime numbers.
- There are infinitely many natural numbers $n$ such $n$ and $n+2$ are both primes.
Computer-Assisted proof components
- Computers have been used in various ways to provide a component of a proof:
- Enumeration,
- Symbolic algebra,
- Exact real number arithmetic,
- Linear programming,
- SAT solvers.
- Some examples:
- Four colour theorem,
- Kepler conjecture,
- Boolean Pythagorean triples problem.
Formal proofs in Mathematics.
- A formal deduction system should giver rules that describe
- What are well-formed expressions, i.e., represent mathematical objects.
- How to deduce statements from other statements (more generally to make judgements).
- Axioms, which are well-formed propositions that we take to be proved.
- In the usual foundations of mathematics, the rules for forming expressions and making deductions are those of First-Order Logic, and the axioms are those of Set Theory.
First-order logic: languages
- A first-order language, which describes a domain of discourse (e.g. $\mathbb{N}$) has vocabulary consisting of
- Variables - can be taken to be a fixed countable set.
- Constants (e.g. $0$, $1$).
- Functions (e.g. $+$).
- Relations (e.g. $<$, $=$).
- Special symbols $\Rightarrow$, $\iff$, $\wedge$, $\vee$, $\forall$, $\exists$, ...
- We form two kinds of expressions from these, terms (e.g. $1+1$, $n + 3$)
and formulas (e.g. $n + 1 < 2$, $4 < 3$).
- Terms and formulas may depend on variables.
- Terms represent objects in the domain of discourse.
- Formulas are either true or false.
Deduction and theories
- We can deduce formulas from other formulas using the rules of deduction.
- The main deduction rule is Modus Ponens : given $P$ and $P\Rightarrow Q$ we deduce $Q$.
- A theory is a language together with a collection of formulas, called axioms in the language.
- A formula is deducible in a theory if it can be
obtained from the axioms by the rules of deduction.
Universal deducer?
- A universal deducer is a computable function (algorithm) which, given a proposition (formula),
returns a proof if it is deducible and otherwise returns failure.
- By results of Turing, there is no such algorithm.
- We can enumerate proofs and check if they prove either the given proposition or its negation.
This does not always work as there are statements that are true but not provable.
- Practically, we can conclude that there is no best deducer,
as any given proof can be found by some deducer but no deducer can find all proofs.
Robbins conjecture
- Robbins conjecture was a conjectural characterization of Boolean algebras in terms of
associativity and commutativity of $\vee$ and the Robbins equation
$\neg(\neg(a\vee b)\vee \neg(a \vee \neg b)) = a$.
- This was conjectured in the 1930s, and finally proved in 1996 using the
automated theorem prover EQP, which is a Resolution Theorem Prover with Paramodulation.
- So far, this seems to be the only major success of deductive theorem provers.
- First-order logic theorem provers are, however, used in interactive proof systems
(hammer tactics).
Real-life mathematics
- A proof in real-life mathematics consists of:
- definitions, axioms, assumptions, notation;
- assertions;
- hints about which assertions, definitions etc. are used in the proof of a given assertion.
- focussing attention on relevant objects and results.
- introducing variables,hypotheses etc. into a scope.
- The reader is expected to deduce all assertions based on the hints
(or at least believe that he/she can do so).
- In particular, there is no objective sense in which a proof is complete or correct.
“ Since the first half of the 20th century mathematics has been presented as a science based on
ZFC and ZFC was introduced as a particular theory in Predicate Logic.
“ Therefore someone who wanted to get to the bottom of things in mathematics had a simple
road to follow - learn what Predicate Logic is, then learn a particular theory called ZFC, then
learn how to translate propositions about a few basic mathematical concepts into formulas of
ZFC, and then learn to believe, through examples, that the rest of mathematics can be reduced
to these few basic concepts.”
Vladimir Voevodsky
Why better (new) foundations?
- In the usual foundations of mathematics, $sin(3)$ and $3(sin)$ are syntactically equally valid, i.e., the usual language of mathematics is an informal language.
- Statements and proofs formalized in first-order logic are verbose and opaque.
- Propositions and Proofs are not first class, i.e., cannot be arguments or values of functions, so not composable.
We instead have patterns of proof (such as induction).
- HoTT foundations are fully formal, yet much closer to working mathematics and with a syntax that actually describes valid objects. Further, introducing variables, hypothesis and assumptions as well as inductive proofs, are natural.
“ The roadblock that prevented generations of interested mathematicians and computer scientists
from solving the problem of computer verification of mathematical reasoning was the
unpreparedness of foundations of mathematics for the requirements of this task.”
“ Formulating mathematical reasoning in a language precise enough for a computer to follow
meant using a foundational system of mathematics not as a standard of consistency applied only
to establish a few fundamental theorems, but as a tool that can be employed in everyday
mathematical work. ”
Vladimir Voevodsky