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import Mathlib.Algebra.Field.Basic
import UnitConjecture.TorsionFree
import UnitConjecture.GroupRing
## Giles Gardam's result
The proof of the theorem `𝔽₂[P]` has non-trivial units. Together with the main result of `TorsionFree` -- that `P` is torsion-free,
this completes the formal proof of Gardam's theorem that Kaplansky's Unit Conjecture is false.
section Preliminaries
/-! ### Preliminaries -/
/-- The definition of an element of a free module being trivial, i.e., of the form `k•x` for `x : X` and `k ≠ 0`. -/
/-- The statement of Kaplansky's Unit Conjecture:
The only units in a group ring, when the group is torsion-free and the ring is a field, are the trivial units. -/
bend Gardam
end Constants
section Verification
### Verification
The main verification of Giles Gardam's result.
namespace Gardam
open P
/-- A proof that the unit is non-trivial. -/
/-! The fact that the counter-example `α` is in fact a unit of the group ring `𝔽₂[P]` is verified by
computing the product of `α` with its inverse `α'` and checking that the result is `(1 : 𝔽₂[P])`.
The computational aspects of the group ring implementation and the Metabelian construction are used here. -/
/-- A proof of the existence of a non-trivial unit in `𝔽₂[P]`. -/