
Organizing Committee
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Workshop and Conference
Request for Participation


Workshop on Stability & Bifurcation Analysis and Pattern Formation in Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology

February 25 - March 02, 2011

Among the different branches of nonlinear sciences, the branch which deals with interrelationships between living organisms with their environment is known as ecology and an ecosystem is the functional unit of ecology. An ecosystem consisting of an enumerable number of interacting organisms or species in relation to its environment is a complex system. The remarkable variety of dynamic behavior exhibited by many species plants, insects and animals has stimulated great interest in the development of mathematical models for several ecological systems. Dynamical analysis of spread of infections at individual level as well as at population’s level and development of meaningful control strategies to eradicate the disease is main theme for mathematical epidemiology. The objective of the workshop is to introduce the basic mathematical tools and techniques of nonlinear dynamics for studying the continuous time models of interacting populations and epidemic disease within homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. The set of lectures on ordinary and partial differential equation models of ecology and epidemiology and their dynamical analysis will provide state of art knowledge and enable the participants to work independently in these areas of Mathematical Biology.

The instructional workshop is aimed towards postgraduate students and research scholars in the area of Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology.

About 25 outstation participants will be selected. Accommodation will be provided in the IIT Guest House/Hostels. Financial assistance (partial/full) may be available for selected outstation participants.

This workshop is part of a Special Year on Mathematical Biology and is being jointly organized by IISc Mathematics Initiative (IMI), DST Centre for Mathematical Biology at IISc and IIT Kanpur.


  • Introduction dynamical to models in
  • Mathematical Ecology and Epidemiology
  • Local and Global Stability
  • Bifurcation Theory and Normal Form Analysis
  • Pattern Formation
  • Numerical Simulation

  • Click here for: Selected Participants List



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