

instance EStateM.instToStringResult {ε : Type u} {σ : Type u} {α : Type u} [ToString ε] [ToString α] :
instance EStateM.instReprResult {ε : Type u} {σ : Type u} {α : Type u} [Repr ε] [Repr α] :
Repr (EStateM.Result ε σ α)
def EStateM.orElse' {ε : Type u} {σ : Type u} {α : Type u} {δ : Type u} [EStateM.Backtrackable δ σ] (x₁ : EStateM ε σ α) (x₂ : EStateM ε σ α) (useFirstEx : optParam Bool true) :
EStateM ε σ α

Alternative orElse operator that allows to select which exception should be used. The default is to use the first exception since the standard orElse uses the second.

Instances For
    instance EStateM.instMonadFinallyEStateM {ε : Type u} {σ : Type u} :
    def EStateM.fromStateM {ε : Type} {σ : Type} {α : Type} (x : StateM σ α) :
    EStateM ε σ α
    Instances For