

DSL for Targets & Facets #

Macros for declaring Lake targets and facets.

Facet Declarations #

Define a new module facet. Has one form:

module_facet «facet-name» (mod : Module) : α :=
  /- build term of type `IndexBuildM (BuildJob α)` -/

The mod parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.

Instances For

    Define a new package facet. Has one form:

    package_facet «facet-name» (pkg : Package) : α :=
      /- build term of type `IndexBuildM (BuildJob α)` -/

    The pkg parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.

    Instances For

      Define a new library facet. Has one form:

      library_facet «facet-name» (lib : LeanLib) : α :=
        /- build term of type `IndexBuildM (BuildJob α)` -/

      The lib parameter (and its type specifier) is optional.

      Instances For

        Custom Target Declaration #

        Define a new custom target for the package. Has one form:

        target «target-name» (pkg : NPackage : α :=
          /- build term of type `IndexBuildM (BuildJob α)` -/

        The pkg parameter (and its type specifier) is optional. It is of type NPackage to provably demonstrate the package provided is the package in which the target is defined.

        Instances For

          Lean Library & Executable Target Declarations #

          Define a new Lean library target for the package. Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type LeanLibConfig. Has many forms:

          lean_lib «target-name»
          lean_lib «target-name» { /- config opts -/ }
          lean_lib «target-name» where /- config opts -/
          lean_lib «target-name» := /- config -/
          Instances For

            Define a new Lean binary executable target for the package. Can optionally be provided with a configuration of type LeanExeConfig. Has many forms:

            lean_exe «target-name»
            lean_exe «target-name» { /- config opts -/ }
            lean_exe «target-name» where /- config opts -/
            lean_exe «target-name» := /- config -/
            Instances For

              External Library Target Declaration #

              Define a new external library target for the package. Has one form:

              extern_lib «target-name» (pkg : NPackage :=
                /- build term of type `IndexBuildM (BuildJob FilePath)` -/

              The pkg parameter (and its type specifier) is optional. It is of type NPackage to provably demonstrate the package provided is the package in which the target is defined.

              The term should build the external library's static library.

              Instances For