

Reducibility hints are used in the convertibility checker. When trying to solve a constraint such a

       (f ...) =?= (g ...)

where f and g are definitions, the checker has to decide which one will be unfolded. If f (g) is opaque, then g (f) is unfolded if it is also not marked as opaque, Else if f (g) is abbrev, then f (g) is unfolded if g (f) is also not marked as abbrev, Else if f and g are regular, then we unfold the one with the biggest definitional height. Otherwise both are unfolded.

The arguments of the regular Constructor are: the definitional height and the flag selfOpt.

The definitional height is by default computed by the kernel. It only takes into account other regular definitions used in a definition. When creating declarations using meta-programming, we can specify the definitional depth manually.

Remark: the hint only affects performance. None of the hints prevent the kernel from unfolding a declaration during Type checking.

Remark: the ReducibilityHints are not related to the attributes: reducible/irrelevance/semireducible. These attributes are used by the Elaborator. The ReducibilityHints are used by the kernel (and Elaborator). Moreover, the ReducibilityHints cannot be changed after a declaration is added to the kernel.

Instances For
    @[export lean_mk_reducibility_hints_regular]
    Instances For
      @[export lean_reducibility_hints_get_height]
      Instances For

        Base structure for AxiomVal, DefinitionVal, TheoremVal, InductiveVal, ConstructorVal, RecursorVal and QuotVal.

        Instances For
          Instances For
            @[export lean_mk_axiom_val]
            def Lean.mkAxiomValEx (name : Lake.Name) (levelParams : List Lake.Name) (type : Lean.Expr) (isUnsafe : Bool) :
            Instances For
              @[export lean_axiom_val_is_unsafe]
              Instances For
                Instances For
                  @[export lean_mk_definition_val]
                  Instances For
                    @[export lean_definition_val_get_safety]
                    Instances For
                      Instances For

                        Value for an opaque constant declaration opaque x : t := e

                        Instances For
                          @[export lean_mk_opaque_val]
                          def Lean.mkOpaqueValEx (name : Lake.Name) (levelParams : List Lake.Name) (type : Lean.Expr) (value : Lean.Expr) (isUnsafe : Bool) (all : List Lake.Name) :
                          Instances For
                            @[export lean_opaque_val_is_unsafe]
                            Instances For
                              Instances For
                                Instances For

                                  Declaration object that can be sent to the kernel.

                                  Instances For
                                    @[export lean_mk_inductive_decl]
                                    def Lean.mkInductiveDeclEs (lparams : List Lake.Name) (nparams : Nat) (types : List Lean.InductiveType) (isUnsafe : Bool) :
                                    Instances For
                                      @[export lean_is_unsafe_inductive_decl]
                                      Instances For
                                        @[specialize #[]]
                                        def Lean.Declaration.foldExprM {α : Type} {m : TypeType} [Monad m] (d : Lean.Declaration) (f : αLean.Exprm α) (a : α) :
                                        m α
                                        Instances For
                                          Instances For
                                            • name : Lake.Name
                                            • levelParams : List Lake.Name
                                            • type : Lean.Expr
                                            • numParams : Nat

                                              Number of parameters. A parameter is an argument to the defined type that is fixed over constructors. An example of this is the α : Type argument in the vector constructors nil : Vector α 0 and cons : α → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1).

                                              The intuition is that the inductive type must exhibit parametric polymorphism over the inductive parameter, as opposed to ad-hoc polymorphism.

                                            • numIndices : Nat

                                              Number of indices. An index is an argument that varies over constructors.

                                              An example of this is the n : Nat argument in the vector constructor cons : α → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1).

                                            • List of all (including this one) inductive datatypes in the mutual declaration containing this one

                                            • ctors : List Lake.Name

                                              List of the names of the constructors for this inductive datatype.

                                            • isRec : Bool

                                              true when recursive (that is, the inductive type appears as an argument in a constructor).

                                            • isUnsafe : Bool

                                              Whether the definition is flagged as unsafe.

                                            • isReflexive : Bool

                                              An inductive type is called reflexive if it has at least one constructor that takes as an argument a function returning the same type we are defining. Consider the type:

                                              inductive WideTree where
                                              | branch: (Nat -> WideTree) -> WideTree
                                              | leaf: WideTree

                                              this is reflexive due to the presence of the branch : (Nat -> WideTree) -> WideTree constructor.

                                              See also: 'Inductive Definitions in the system Coq Rules and Properties' by Christine Paulin-Mohring Section 2.2, Definition 3

                                            • isNested : Bool

                                              An inductive definition T is nested when there is a constructor with an argument x : F T, where F : Type → Type is some suitably behaved (ie strictly positive) function (Eg Array T, List T, T × T, ...).

                                            The kernel compiles (mutual) inductive declarations (see inductiveDecls) into a set of

                                            • Declaration.inductDecl (for each inductive datatype in the mutual Declaration),
                                            • Declaration.ctorDecl (for each Constructor in the mutual Declaration),
                                            • Declaration.recDecl (automatically generated recursors).

                                            This data is used to implement iota-reduction efficiently and compile nested inductive declarations.

                                            A series of checks are performed by the kernel to check whether a inductiveDecls is valid or not.

                                            Instances For
                                              @[export lean_mk_inductive_val]
                                              def Lean.mkInductiveValEx (name : Lake.Name) (levelParams : List Lake.Name) (type : Lean.Expr) (numParams : Nat) (numIndices : Nat) (all : List Lake.Name) (ctors : List Lake.Name) (isRec : Bool) (isUnsafe : Bool) (isReflexive : Bool) (isNested : Bool) :
                                              Instances For
                                                @[export lean_inductive_val_is_rec]
                                                Instances For
                                                  @[export lean_inductive_val_is_unsafe]
                                                  Instances For
                                                    @[export lean_inductive_val_is_reflexive]
                                                    Instances For
                                                      @[export lean_inductive_val_is_nested]
                                                      Instances For
                                                        • name : Lake.Name
                                                        • levelParams : List Lake.Name
                                                        • type : Lean.Expr
                                                        • induct : Lake.Name

                                                          Inductive type this constructor is a member of

                                                        • cidx : Nat

                                                          Constructor index (i.e., Position in the inductive declaration)

                                                        • numParams : Nat

                                                          Number of parameters in inductive datatype.

                                                        • numFields : Nat

                                                          Number of fields (i.e., arity - nparams)

                                                        • isUnsafe : Bool
                                                        Instances For
                                                          @[export lean_mk_constructor_val]
                                                          def Lean.mkConstructorValEx (name : Lake.Name) (levelParams : List Lake.Name) (type : Lean.Expr) (induct : Lake.Name) (cidx : Nat) (numParams : Nat) (numFields : Nat) (isUnsafe : Bool) :
                                                          Instances For
                                                            @[export lean_constructor_val_is_unsafe]
                                                            Instances For
                                                              • ctor : Lake.Name

                                                                Reduction rule for this Constructor

                                                              • nfields : Nat

                                                                Number of fields (i.e., without counting inductive datatype parameters)

                                                              • rhs : Lean.Expr

                                                                Right hand side of the reduction rule

                                                              Information for reducing a recursor

                                                              Instances For
                                                                • name : Lake.Name
                                                                • levelParams : List Lake.Name
                                                                • type : Lean.Expr
                                                                • List of all inductive datatypes in the mutual declaration that generated this recursor

                                                                • numParams : Nat

                                                                  Number of parameters

                                                                • numIndices : Nat

                                                                  Number of indices

                                                                • numMotives : Nat

                                                                  Number of motives

                                                                • numMinors : Nat

                                                                  Number of minor premises

                                                                • A reduction for each Constructor

                                                                • k : Bool

                                                                  It supports K-like reduction. A recursor is said to support K-like reduction if one can assume it behaves like Eq under axiom K --- that is, it has one constructor, the constructor has 0 arguments, and it is an inductive predicate (ie, it lives in Prop).

                                                                  Examples of inductives with K-like reduction is Eq, Acc, and And.intro. Non-examples are exists (where the constructor has arguments) and Or.intro (which has multiple constructors).

                                                                • isUnsafe : Bool
                                                                Instances For
                                                                  @[export lean_mk_recursor_val]
                                                                  def Lean.mkRecursorValEx (name : Lake.Name) (levelParams : List Lake.Name) (type : Lean.Expr) (all : List Lake.Name) (numParams : Nat) (numIndices : Nat) (numMotives : Nat) (numMinors : Nat) (rules : List Lean.RecursorRule) (k : Bool) (isUnsafe : Bool) :
                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    @[export lean_recursor_k]
                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      @[export lean_recursor_is_unsafe]
                                                                      Instances For
                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          @[export lean_mk_quot_val]
                                                                          def Lean.mkQuotValEx (name : Lake.Name) (levelParams : List Lake.Name) (type : Lean.Expr) (kind : Lean.QuotKind) :
                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            @[export lean_quot_val_kind]
                                                                            Instances For

                                                                              Information associated with constant declarations.

                                                                              Instances For

                                                                                List of all (including this one) declarations in the same mutual block.

                                                                                Instances For
                                                                                  Instances For