

Instances For

    Return array with n-th element set to kind of n-th parameter of e.

    Instances For

      State for delabAppMatch and helpers.

      Instances For

        Delaborate applications of "matchers" such as : {α : Type _} →
          (motive : List α → Sort _) →
            (x : List α) → (Unit → motive List.nil) → ((a : α) → (as : List α) → motive (a :: as)) → motive x
        Instances For

          Delaborate applications of the form (fun x => b) v as let_fun x := v; b

          Instances For

            Check for a Syntax.ident of the given name anywhere in the tree. This is usually a bad idea since it does not check for shadowing bindings, but in the delaborator we assume that bindings are never shadowed.

            Delaborate a projection primitive. These do not usually occur in user code, but are pretty-printed when e.g. #printing a projection function.

            Instances For

              Delaborate a call to a projection function such as Prod.fst.

              Instances For