

One can think of this module as being a partial reimplementation of Lean.Elab.Frontend which also stores a snapshot of the world after each command. Importantly, we allow (re)starting compilation from any snapshot/position in the file for interactive editing purposes.

What Lean knows about the world after the header and each command.

Instances For

    Use the command state in the given snapshot to run a CommandElabM.

    Instances For

      Run a CoreM computation using the data in the given snapshot.

      Instances For

        Run a TermElabM computation using the data in the given snapshot.

        Instances For

          Parses the next command occurring after the given snapshot without elaborating it.

          Instances For

            Compiles the next command occurring after the given snapshot. If there is no next command (file ended), Snapshot.isAtEnd will hold of the return value.

            Instances For

              Compute the current interactive diagnostics log by finding a "diff" relative to the parent snapshot. We need to do this because unlike the MessageLog itself, interactive diags are not part of the command state.

              Instances For