Arvind Ayyer
I extensively use mathematical experimentation as part of my research.
I mainly use a mixture of Maple,
Mathematica and Sage.
In particular, I regularly write programs which either directly solve or help me solve problems.
Here are some of them in reverse chronological order, along with the accompanying papers.
I have slowly started contributing to Sage.
Maple programs
- RandomJuggling - We study probabilistic models of juggling in this paper. The package contains programs for Markov chains on juggling configurations and set partitions.
- ToomTsetlin - In
this survey article written
jointly with Anne Schilling, Benjamin Steinberg and Nicolas M. Thiéry,
we introduced two new generalizations of the Tsetlin library which
allow for multiple copies of books.
Formulas for the spectra of transition matrices
in both cases can be verified using the programs here.
- Monopole - Verifies the determinant formulas
for the loop-vertex model and the monopole-dimer model in
this paper.
- NonabelianSandpiles - With
Anne Schilling, Benjamin Steinberg and Nicolas M. Thiéry, we proved
results about a class of nonabelian sandpile models on directed trees
in this paper. Sage was
also extensively used in this project.
- InhomTasep - With Svante Linusson, I
considered the multispecies TASEP on the ring with inhomogeneous rates
in this paper.
- LinearExtensions - With Steven
Klee and Anne Schilling, I considered some combinatorial Markov chains
for linear extensions of posets
in this paper. Sage was
also extensively used in this project.
- RefinedASM1234 - With Dan Romik, I
looked at refined enumeration for alternating sign matrices
in this paper. We also
verified a claim of Colomo and Pronko stated in the paper
in this mathematica file.
- RS - For studying the Razumov-Stroganov
conjecture using Alternating Paths
for this paper. A package
written by Doron Zeilberger for the same study
is FPL.
- Ferrers - Umbral operators for Wicketed and
Gated Ferrrers diagrams. All the assertions of
this paper can be checked
- TASEP - Basic analysis of different kinds of totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes - open, closed and restricted. Calculates steady state probabilities, densities and two point correlations.
- POLYMER - Analysis of directed walks (as models of polymers) in a strip of arbitrary finite size as well as the infinite quarter plane. It calculates quantities of mathematical interest such as generating functions as well as those of physical interest such as the free energy and the force exerted by the polymers. It is an integral part of this paper.
- Guessdiff - A package which guess various properties of tilings (with an arbitrary set of tiles) in the plane using the TILINGS package of Doron Zeilberger. This was written for Math 640 in Spring 2006.