

Quaternions #

In this file we define quaternions ℍ[R] over a commutative ring R, and define some algebraic structures on ℍ[R].

Main definitions #

We also define the following algebraic structures on ℍ[R]:

Notation #

The following notation is available with open Quaternion or open scoped Quaternion.

Implementation notes #

We define quaternions over any ring R, not just to be able to deal with, e.g., integer or rational quaternions without using real numbers. In particular, all definitions in this file are computable.

Tags #


structure QuaternionAlgebra (R : Type u_1) (a b : R) :
Type u_1

Quaternion algebra over a type with fixed coefficients $a=i^2$ and $b=j^2$. Implemented as a structure with four fields: re, imI, imJ, and imK.

  • re : R

    Real part of a quaternion.

  • imI : R

    First imaginary part (i) of a quaternion.

  • imJ : R

    Second imaginary part (j) of a quaternion.

  • imK : R

    Third imaginary part (k) of a quaternion.

Instances For
    theorem QuaternionAlgebra.ext {R : Type u_1} {a b : R} {x y : QuaternionAlgebra R a b} (re : = (imI : x.imI = y.imI) (imJ : x.imJ = y.imJ) (imK : x.imK = y.imK) :
    x = y

    Quaternion algebra over a type with fixed coefficients $a=i^2$ and $b=j^2$. Implemented as a structure with four fields: re, imI, imJ, and imK.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      def QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) :
      QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂ R × R × R × R

      The equivalence between a quaternion algebra over R and R × R × R × R.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd_symm_apply_imI {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (a : R × R × R × R) :
        ((QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd c₁ c₂).symm a).imI = a.2.1
        theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd_symm_apply_imJ {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (a : R × R × R × R) :
        ((QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd c₁ c₂).symm a).imJ = a.2.2.1
        theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd_apply {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
        (QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd c₁ c₂) a = (, a.imI, a.imJ, a.imK)
        theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd_symm_apply_imK {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (a : R × R × R × R) :
        ((QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd c₁ c₂).symm a).imK = a.2.2.2
        theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd_symm_apply_re {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (a : R × R × R × R) :
        ((QuaternionAlgebra.equivProd c₁ c₂).symm a).re = a.1
        def QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) :
        QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂ (Fin 4R)

        The equivalence between a quaternion algebra over R and Fin 4 → R.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple_symm_apply {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (a : Fin 4R) :
          (QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple c₁ c₂).symm a = { re := a 0, imI := a 1, imJ := a 2, imK := a 3 }
          theorem QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple_apply {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) (x : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
          (QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple c₁ c₂) x = ![, x.imI, x.imJ, x.imK]
          theorem {R : Type u_1} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
          { re :=, imI := a.imI, imJ := a.imJ, imK := a.imK } = a
          instance QuaternionAlgebra.instSubsingleton {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Subsingleton R] :
          instance QuaternionAlgebra.instNontrivial {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Nontrivial R] :
          def {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] (x : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
          QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂

          The imaginary part of a quaternion.

          • = { re := 0, imI := x.imI, imJ := x.imJ, imK := x.imK }
          Instances For
            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.im_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Zero R] :
   = 0
            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.im_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Zero R] :
   = a.imI
            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.im_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Zero R] :
   = a.imJ
            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.im_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Zero R] :
   = a.imK
            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.im_idem {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Zero R] :
            def QuaternionAlgebra.coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] (x : R) :
            QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂

            Coercion R → ℍ[R,c₁,c₂].

            • x = { re := x, imI := 0, imJ := 0, imK := 0 }
            Instances For
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instCoeTC {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              CoeTC R (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instCoeTC = { coe := QuaternionAlgebra.coe }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [Zero R] :
              (↑x).re = x
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [Zero R] :
              (↑x).imI = 0
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [Zero R] :
              (↑x).imJ = 0
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [Zero R] :
              (↑x).imK = 0
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_injective {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              Function.Injective QuaternionAlgebra.coe
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_inj {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] {x y : R} :
              x = y x = y
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instZero {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              Zero (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instZero = { zero := { re := 0, imI := 0, imJ := 0, imK := 0 } }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.zero_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.zero_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.zero_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.zero_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.zero_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_zero {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              0 = 0
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instInhabited {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] :
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instInhabited = { default := 0 }
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instOne {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              One (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instOne = { one := { re := 1, imI := 0, imJ := 0, imK := 0 } }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.one_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.one_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.one_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.one_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.one_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_one {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [One R] :
              1 = 1
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instAdd {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Add R] :
              Add (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instAdd = { add := fun (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) => { re := +, imI := a.imI + b.imI, imJ := a.imJ + b.imJ, imK := a.imK + b.imK } }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.add_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Add R] :
              (a + b).re = +
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.add_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Add R] :
              (a + b).imI = a.imI + b.imI
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.add_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Add R] :
              (a + b).imJ = a.imJ + b.imJ
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.add_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Add R] :
              (a + b).imK = a.imK + b.imK
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mk_add_mk {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Add R] (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ b₁ b₂ b₃ b₄ : R) :
              { re := a₁, imI := a₂, imJ := a₃, imK := a₄ } + { re := b₁, imI := b₂, imJ := b₃, imK := b₄ } = { re := a₁ + b₁, imI := a₂ + b₂, imJ := a₃ + b₃, imK := a₄ + b₄ }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.add_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddZeroClass R] :
              (a + b).im = +
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_add {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x y : R) [AddZeroClass R] :
              (x + y) = x + y
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instNeg {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Neg R] :
              Neg (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instNeg = { neg := fun (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) => { re :=, imI := -a.imI, imJ := -a.imJ, imK := -a.imK } }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.neg_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Neg R] :
              (-a).re =
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.neg_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Neg R] :
              (-a).imI = -a.imI
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.neg_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Neg R] :
              (-a).imJ = -a.imJ
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.neg_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Neg R] :
              (-a).imK = -a.imK
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.neg_mk {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Neg R] (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ : R) :
              -{ re := a₁, imI := a₂, imJ := a₃, imK := a₄ } = { re := -a₁, imI := -a₂, imJ := -a₃, imK := -a₄ }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.neg_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              (-a).im =
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_neg {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [AddGroup R] :
              (-x) = -x
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instSub {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddGroup R] :
              Sub (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instSub = { sub := fun (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) => { re := -, imI := a.imI - b.imI, imJ := a.imJ - b.imJ, imK := a.imK - b.imK } }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              (a - b).re = -
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              (a - b).imI = a.imI - b.imI
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              (a - b).imJ = a.imJ - b.imJ
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              (a - b).imK = a.imK - b.imK
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              (a - b).im = -
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mk_sub_mk {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddGroup R] (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ b₁ b₂ b₃ b₄ : R) :
              { re := a₁, imI := a₂, imJ := a₃, imK := a₄ } - { re := b₁, imI := b₂, imJ := b₃, imK := b₄ } = { re := a₁ - b₁, imI := a₂ - b₂, imJ := a₃ - b₃, imK := a₄ - b₄ }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [AddGroup R] :
              (↑x).im = 0
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.re_add_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
     + = a
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_self_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              a - =
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.sub_self_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [AddGroup R] :
              a - =
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instMul {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Ring R] :
              Mul (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)

              Multiplication is given by

              • 1 * x = x * 1 = x;
              • i * i = c₁;
              • j * j = c₂;
              • i * j = k, j * i = -k;
              • k * k = -c₁ * c₂;
              • i * k = c₁ * j, k * i = -c₁ * j;
              • j * k = -c₂ * i, k * j = c₂ * i.
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mul_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Ring R] :
              (a * b).re = * + c₁ * a.imI * b.imI + c₂ * a.imJ * b.imJ - c₁ * c₂ * a.imK * b.imK
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mul_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Ring R] :
              (a * b).imI = * b.imI + a.imI * - c₂ * a.imJ * b.imK + c₂ * a.imK * b.imJ
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mul_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Ring R] :
              (a * b).imJ = * b.imJ + c₁ * a.imI * b.imK + a.imJ * - c₁ * a.imK * b.imI
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mul_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a b : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [Ring R] :
              (a * b).imK = * b.imK + a.imI * b.imJ - a.imJ * b.imI + a.imK *
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mk_mul_mk {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Ring R] (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ b₁ b₂ b₃ b₄ : R) :
              { re := a₁, imI := a₂, imJ := a₃, imK := a₄ } * { re := b₁, imI := b₂, imJ := b₃, imK := b₄ } = { re := a₁ * b₁ + c₁ * a₂ * b₂ + c₂ * a₃ * b₃ - c₁ * c₂ * a₄ * b₄, imI := a₁ * b₂ + a₂ * b₁ - c₂ * a₃ * b₄ + c₂ * a₄ * b₃, imJ := a₁ * b₃ + c₁ * a₂ * b₄ + a₃ * b₁ - c₁ * a₄ * b₂, imK := a₁ * b₄ + a₂ * b₃ - a₃ * b₂ + a₄ * b₁ }
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instSMul {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [SMul S R] :
              SMul S (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instSMul = { smul := fun (s : S) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) => { re := s, imI := s a.imI, imJ := s a.imJ, imK := s a.imK } }
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instIsScalarTower {S : Type u_1} {T : Type u_2} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [SMul S R] [SMul T R] [SMul S T] [IsScalarTower S T R] :
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instSMulCommClass {S : Type u_1} {T : Type u_2} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [SMul S R] [SMul T R] [SMulCommClass S T R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_re {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
              (s a).re = s
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_imI {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
              (s a).imI = s a.imI
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_imJ {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
              (s a).imJ = s a.imJ
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_imK {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
              (s a).imK = s a.imK
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) {S : Type u_4} [CommRing R] [SMulZeroClass S R] (s : S) :
              (s a).im = s
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_mk {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [SMul S R] (s : S) (re im_i im_j im_k : R) :
              s { re := re, imI := im_i, imJ := im_j, imK := im_k } = { re := s re, imI := s im_i, imJ := s im_j, imK := s im_k }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_smul {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [Zero R] [SMulZeroClass S R] (s : S) (r : R) :
              (s r) = s r
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instAddCommGroup {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroup R] :
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).re = n
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_re (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.nat_cast_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).re = n

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_re.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).imI = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imI (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.nat_cast_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).imI = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imI.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).imJ = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imJ (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.nat_cast_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).imJ = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imJ.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).imK = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imK (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.nat_cast_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).imK = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_imK.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).im = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_im (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.nat_cast_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              (↑n).im = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.natCast_im.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_natCast {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              n = n
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.coe_natCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_nat_cast {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (n : ) :
              n = n

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.coe_natCast.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).re = z
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_re (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.int_cast_re {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).re = z

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_re.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).imI = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imI (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.int_cast_imI {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).imI = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imI.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).imJ = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imJ (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.int_cast_imJ {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).imJ = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imJ.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).imK = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imK (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.int_cast_imK {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).imK = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_imK.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).im = 0
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_im (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.int_cast_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              (↑z).im = 0

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.intCast_im.

              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_intCast {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              z = z
              @[deprecated QuaternionAlgebra.coe_intCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_int_cast {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [AddCommGroupWithOne R] (z : ) :
              z = z

              Alias of QuaternionAlgebra.coe_intCast.

              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instRing {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] :
              Ring (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instRing = SubNegMonoid.zsmul
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_mul {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x y : R) [CommRing R] :
              (x * y) = x * y
              instance QuaternionAlgebra.instAlgebra {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] [CommSemiring S] [Algebra S R] :
              Algebra S (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)
              • QuaternionAlgebra.instAlgebra = { toFun := fun (s : S) => ((algebraMap S R) s), map_one' := , map_mul' := , map_zero' := , map_add' := }
              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.algebraMap_eq {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] (r : R) :
              (algebraMap R (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)) r = { re := r, imI := 0, imJ := 0, imK := 0 }
              def QuaternionAlgebra.reₗ {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :

     as a LinearMap

              Instances For
                theorem QuaternionAlgebra.reₗ_apply {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (self : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                (QuaternionAlgebra.reₗ c₁ c₂) self =
                def QuaternionAlgebra.imIₗ {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :

                QuaternionAlgebra.imI as a LinearMap

                Instances For
                  theorem QuaternionAlgebra.imIₗ_apply {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (self : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                  (QuaternionAlgebra.imIₗ c₁ c₂) self = self.imI
                  def QuaternionAlgebra.imJₗ {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :

                  QuaternionAlgebra.imJ as a LinearMap

                  Instances For
                    theorem QuaternionAlgebra.imJₗ_apply {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (self : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                    (QuaternionAlgebra.imJₗ c₁ c₂) self = self.imJ
                    def QuaternionAlgebra.imKₗ {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :

                    QuaternionAlgebra.imK as a LinearMap

                    Instances For
                      theorem QuaternionAlgebra.imKₗ_apply {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (self : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                      (QuaternionAlgebra.imKₗ c₁ c₂) self = self.imK
                      def QuaternionAlgebra.linearEquivTuple {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :
                      QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂ ≃ₗ[R] Fin 4R

                      QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple as a linear equivalence.

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For
                        theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_linearEquivTuple_symm {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :
                        (QuaternionAlgebra.linearEquivTuple c₁ c₂).symm = (QuaternionAlgebra.equivTuple c₁ c₂).symm
                        noncomputable def QuaternionAlgebra.basisOneIJK {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :
                        Basis (Fin 4) R (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)

                        ℍ[R, c₁, c₂] has a basis over R given by 1, i, j, and k.

                        Instances For
                          theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_basisOneIJK_repr {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (q : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                          ((QuaternionAlgebra.basisOneIJK c₁ c₂).repr q) = ![, q.imI, q.imJ, q.imK]
                          instance QuaternionAlgebra.instFinite {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :
                          instance QuaternionAlgebra.instFree {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :
                          theorem QuaternionAlgebra.rank_eq_four {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] [StrongRankCondition R] :
                          Module.rank R (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) = 4
                          def QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] :

                          There is a natural equivalence when swapping the coefficients of a quaternion algebra.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_symm_apply_imI {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₂ c₁) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂).symm t).imI = t.imJ
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_symm_apply_imJ {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₂ c₁) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂).symm t).imJ = t.imI
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_apply_imJ {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂) t).imJ = t.imI
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_symm_apply_re {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₂ c₁) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂).symm t).re =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_apply_imK {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂) t).imK = -t.imK
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_apply_re {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂) t).re =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_symm_apply_imK {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₂ c₁) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂).symm t).imK = -t.imK
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv_apply_imI {R : Type u_3} (c₁ c₂ : R) [CommRing R] (t : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                            ((QuaternionAlgebra.swapEquiv c₁ c₂) t).imI = t.imJ
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_sub {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x y : R) [CommRing R] :
                            (x - y) = x - y
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_pow {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                            (x ^ n) = x ^ n
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_commutes {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (r : R) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            r * a = a * r
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_commute {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (r : R) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            Commute (↑r) a
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_mul_eq_smul {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (r : R) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            r * a = r a
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mul_coe_eq_smul {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (r : R) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            a * r = r a
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_algebraMap {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] :
                            (algebraMap R (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)) = QuaternionAlgebra.coe
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.smul_coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x y : R) [CommRing R] :
                            x y = (x * y)
                            instance QuaternionAlgebra.instStarQuaternionAlgebra {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] :
                            Star (QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂)

                            Quaternion conjugate.

                            • QuaternionAlgebra.instStarQuaternionAlgebra = { star := fun (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) => { re :=, imI := -a.imI, imJ := -a.imJ, imK := -a.imK } }
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.re_star {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            (star a).re =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.imI_star {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            (star a).imI = -a.imI
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.imJ_star {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            (star a).imJ = -a.imJ
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.imK_star {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            (star a).imK = -a.imK
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.im_star {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            (star a).im =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_mk {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] (a₁ a₂ a₃ a₄ : R) :
                            star { re := a₁, imI := a₂, imJ := a₃, imK := a₄ } = { re := a₁, imI := -a₂, imJ := -a₃, imK := -a₄ }
                            instance QuaternionAlgebra.instStarRing {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] :
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.self_add_star' {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            a + star a = (2 *
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.self_add_star {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            a + star a = 2 *
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_add_self' {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            star a + a = (2 *
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_add_self {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            star a + a = 2 *
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_eq_two_re_sub {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            star a = (2 * - a
                            instance QuaternionAlgebra.instIsStarNormal {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (x : R) [CommRing R] :
                            star x = x
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_im {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            star =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_smul {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] [Monoid S] [DistribMulAction S R] (s : S) (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) :
                            star (s a) = s star a
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.eq_re_of_eq_coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] {a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂} {x : R} (h : a = x) :
                            a =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.eq_re_iff_mem_range_coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] {a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂} :
                            a = a Set.range QuaternionAlgebra.coe
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_eq_self {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [NoZeroDivisors R] [CharZero R] {c₁ c₂ : R} {a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂} :
                            star a = a a =
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_eq_neg {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [NoZeroDivisors R] [CharZero R] {c₁ c₂ : R} {a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂} :
                            star a = -a = 0
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.star_mul_eq_coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            star a * a = (star a * a).re
                            theorem QuaternionAlgebra.mul_star_eq_coe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} (a : QuaternionAlgebra R c₁ c₂) [CommRing R] :
                            a * star a = (a * star a).re
                            def QuaternionAlgebra.starAe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] :

                            Quaternion conjugate as an AlgEquiv to the opposite ring.

                            • QuaternionAlgebra.starAe = { toFun := MulOpposite.op star, invFun := star MulOpposite.unop, left_inv := , right_inv := , map_mul' := , map_add' := , commutes' := }
                            Instances For
                              theorem QuaternionAlgebra.coe_starAe {R : Type u_3} {c₁ c₂ : R} [CommRing R] :
                              QuaternionAlgebra.starAe = MulOpposite.op star
                              def Quaternion (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] :
                              Type u_1

                              Space of quaternions over a type. Implemented as a structure with four fields: re, im_i, im_j, and im_k.

                              Instances For

                                Space of quaternions over a type. Implemented as a structure with four fields: re, im_i, im_j, and im_k.

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  def Quaternion.equivProd (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] :
                                  Quaternion R R × R × R × R

                                  The equivalence between the quaternions over R and R × R × R × R.

                                  Instances For
                                    theorem Quaternion.equivProd_symm_apply_imI (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (a : R × R × R × R) :
                                    ((Quaternion.equivProd R).symm a).imI = a.2.1
                                    theorem Quaternion.equivProd_symm_apply_re (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (a : R × R × R × R) :
                                    ((Quaternion.equivProd R).symm a).re = a.1
                                    theorem Quaternion.equivProd_symm_apply_imJ (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (a : R × R × R × R) :
                                    ((Quaternion.equivProd R).symm a).imJ = a.2.2.1
                                    theorem Quaternion.equivProd_apply (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (a : QuaternionAlgebra R (-1) (-1)) :
                                    (Quaternion.equivProd R) a = (, a.imI, a.imJ, a.imK)
                                    theorem Quaternion.equivProd_symm_apply_imK (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (a : R × R × R × R) :
                                    ((Quaternion.equivProd R).symm a).imK = a.2.2.2
                                    def Quaternion.equivTuple (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] :
                                    Quaternion R (Fin 4R)

                                    The equivalence between the quaternions over R and Fin 4 → R.

                                    Instances For
                                      theorem Quaternion.equivTuple_symm_apply (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (a : Fin 4R) :
                                      (Quaternion.equivTuple R).symm a = { re := a 0, imI := a 1, imJ := a 2, imK := a 3 }
                                      theorem Quaternion.equivTuple_apply (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] (x : Quaternion R) :
                                      (Quaternion.equivTuple R) x = ![, x.imI, x.imJ, x.imK]
                                      def Quaternion.coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                      RQuaternion R

                                      Coercion R → ℍ[R].

                                      • Quaternion.coe = QuaternionAlgebra.coe
                                      Instances For
                                        instance Quaternion.instCoeTC {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                        • Quaternion.instCoeTC = { coe := Quaternion.coe }
                                        instance Quaternion.instRing {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                        • Quaternion.instRing = QuaternionAlgebra.instRing
                                        instance Quaternion.instSMul {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [SMul S R] :
                                        instance Quaternion.instIsScalarTower {S : Type u_1} {T : Type u_2} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [SMul S T] [SMul S R] [SMul T R] [IsScalarTower S T R] :
                                        instance Quaternion.instSMulCommClass {S : Type u_1} {T : Type u_2} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [SMul S R] [SMul T R] [SMulCommClass S T R] :
                                        instance Quaternion.algebra {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [CommSemiring S] [Algebra S R] :
                                        instance Quaternion.instStar {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                        • Quaternion.instStar = QuaternionAlgebra.instStarQuaternionAlgebra
                                        • Quaternion.instStarRing = QuaternionAlgebra.instStarRing
                                        theorem Quaternion.ext {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                               = b.rea.imI = b.imIa.imJ = b.imJa.imK = b.imKa = b
                                        def {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : Quaternion R) :

                                        The imaginary part of a quaternion.

                                        Instances For
                                          theorem Quaternion.im_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                 = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.im_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                 = a.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.im_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                 = a.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.im_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                 = a.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.im_idem {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          theorem Quaternion.re_add_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                 + = a
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_self_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          a - =
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_self_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          a - =
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          (↑x).re = x
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          (↑x).imI = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          (↑x).imJ = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          (↑x).imK = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          (↑x).im = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.zero_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_zero {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                          0 = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.one_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_one {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                          1 = 1
                                          theorem Quaternion.add_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a + b).re = +
                                          theorem Quaternion.add_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a + b).imI = a.imI + b.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.add_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a + b).imJ = a.imJ + b.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.add_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a + b).imK = a.imK + b.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.add_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a + b).im = +
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_add {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x y : R) :
                                          (x + y) = x + y
                                          theorem Quaternion.neg_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (-a).re =
                                          theorem Quaternion.neg_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (-a).imI = -a.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.neg_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (-a).imJ = -a.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.neg_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (-a).imK = -a.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.neg_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (-a).im =
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_neg {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          (-x) = -x
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a - b).re = -
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a - b).imI = a.imI - b.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a - b).imJ = a.imJ - b.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a - b).imK = a.imK - b.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.sub_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a - b).im = -
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_sub {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x y : R) :
                                          (x - y) = x - y
                                          theorem Quaternion.mul_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a * b).re = * - a.imI * b.imI - a.imJ * b.imJ - a.imK * b.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.mul_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a * b).imI = * b.imI + a.imI * + a.imJ * b.imK - a.imK * b.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.mul_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a * b).imJ = * b.imJ - a.imI * b.imK + a.imJ * + a.imK * b.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.mul_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                          (a * b).imK = * b.imK + a.imI * b.imJ - a.imJ * b.imI + a.imK *
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_mul {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x y : R) :
                                          (x * y) = x * y
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_pow {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) (n : ) :
                                          (x ^ n) = x ^ n
                                          theorem Quaternion.natCast_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).re = n
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.natCast_re (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.nat_cast_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).re = n

                                          Alias of Quaternion.natCast_re.

                                          theorem Quaternion.natCast_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).imI = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.natCast_imI (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.nat_cast_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).imI = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.natCast_imI.

                                          theorem Quaternion.natCast_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).imJ = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.natCast_imJ (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.nat_cast_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).imJ = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.natCast_imJ.

                                          theorem Quaternion.natCast_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).imK = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.natCast_imK (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.nat_cast_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).imK = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.natCast_imK.

                                          theorem Quaternion.natCast_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).im = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.natCast_im (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.nat_cast_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          (↑n).im = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.natCast_im.

                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_natCast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          n = n
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.coe_natCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_nat_cast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                          n = n

                                          Alias of Quaternion.coe_natCast.

                                          theorem Quaternion.intCast_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).re = z
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.intCast_re (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.int_cast_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).re = z

                                          Alias of Quaternion.intCast_re.

                                          theorem Quaternion.intCast_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).imI = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.intCast_imI (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.int_cast_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).imI = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.intCast_imI.

                                          theorem Quaternion.intCast_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).imJ = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.intCast_imJ (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.int_cast_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).imJ = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.intCast_imJ.

                                          theorem Quaternion.intCast_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).imK = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.intCast_imK (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.int_cast_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).imK = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.intCast_imK.

                                          theorem Quaternion.intCast_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).im = 0
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.intCast_im (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.int_cast_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          (↑z).im = 0

                                          Alias of Quaternion.intCast_im.

                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_intCast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          z = z
                                          @[deprecated Quaternion.coe_intCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_int_cast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                          z = z

                                          Alias of Quaternion.coe_intCast.

                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_injective {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                          Function.Injective Quaternion.coe
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_inj {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] {x y : R} :
                                          x = y x = y
                                          theorem Quaternion.smul_re {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
                                          (s a).re = s
                                          theorem Quaternion.smul_imI {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
                                          (s a).imI = s a.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.smul_imJ {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
                                          (s a).imJ = s a.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.smul_imK {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) [SMul S R] (s : S) :
                                          (s a).imK = s a.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.smul_im {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) [SMulZeroClass S R] (s : S) :
                                          (s a).im = s
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_smul {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [SMulZeroClass S R] (s : S) (r : R) :
                                          (s r) = s r
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_commutes {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (r : R) (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          r * a = a * r
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_commute {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (r : R) (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          Commute (↑r) a
                                          theorem Quaternion.coe_mul_eq_smul {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (r : R) (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          r * a = r a
                                          theorem Quaternion.mul_coe_eq_smul {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (r : R) (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          a * r = r a
                                          theorem Quaternion.algebraMap_def {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                          (algebraMap R (Quaternion R)) = Quaternion.coe
                                          theorem Quaternion.smul_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x y : R) :
                                          x y = (x * y)
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_re {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (star a).re =
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_imI {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (star a).imI = -a.imI
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_imJ {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (star a).imJ = -a.imJ
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_imK {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (star a).imK = -a.imK
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_im {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          (star a).im =
                                          theorem Quaternion.self_add_star' {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          a + star a = (2 *
                                          theorem Quaternion.self_add_star {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          a + star a = 2 *
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_add_self' {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          star a + a = (2 *
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_add_self {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          star a + a = 2 *
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_eq_two_re_sub {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          star a = (2 * - a
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                          star x = x
                                          theorem Quaternion.im_star {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          star =
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_smul {S : Type u_1} {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [Monoid S] [DistribMulAction S R] (s : S) (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          star (s a) = s star a
                                          theorem Quaternion.eq_re_of_eq_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} {x : R} (h : a = x) :
                                          a =
                                          theorem Quaternion.eq_re_iff_mem_range_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                          a = a Set.range Quaternion.coe
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_eq_self {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [NoZeroDivisors R] [CharZero R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                          star a = a a =
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_eq_neg {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] [NoZeroDivisors R] [CharZero R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                          star a = -a = 0
                                          theorem Quaternion.star_mul_eq_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          star a * a = (star a * a).re
                                          theorem Quaternion.mul_star_eq_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                          a * star a = (a * star a).re

                                          Quaternion conjugate as an AlgEquiv to the opposite ring.

                                          • Quaternion.starAe = QuaternionAlgebra.starAe
                                          Instances For
                                            theorem Quaternion.coe_starAe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] :
                                            Quaternion.starAe = MulOpposite.op star

                                            Square of the norm.

                                            • Quaternion.normSq = { toFun := fun (a : Quaternion R) => (a * star a).re, map_zero' := , map_one' := , map_mul' := }
                                            Instances For
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_def {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq a = (a * star a).re
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_def' {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq a = ^ 2 + a.imI ^ 2 + a.imJ ^ 2 + a.imK ^ 2
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_coe {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (x : R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq x = x ^ 2
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_star {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq (star a) = Quaternion.normSq a
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_natCast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq n = n ^ 2
                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.normSq_natCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_nat_cast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (n : ) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq n = n ^ 2

                                              Alias of Quaternion.normSq_natCast.

                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_intCast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq z = z ^ 2
                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.normSq_intCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_int_cast {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (z : ) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq z = z ^ 2

                                              Alias of Quaternion.normSq_intCast.

                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_neg {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq (-a) = Quaternion.normSq a
                                              theorem Quaternion.self_mul_star {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              a * star a = (Quaternion.normSq a)
                                              theorem Quaternion.star_mul_self {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              star a * a = (Quaternion.normSq a)
                                              theorem Quaternion.im_sq {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                     ^ 2 = -(Quaternion.normSq
                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_normSq_add {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                              (Quaternion.normSq (a + b)) = (Quaternion.normSq a) + a * star b + b * star a + (Quaternion.normSq b)
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_smul {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (r : R) (q : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq (r q) = r ^ 2 * Quaternion.normSq q
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_add {R : Type u_3} [CommRing R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq (a + b) = Quaternion.normSq a + Quaternion.normSq b + 2 * (a * star b).re
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_eq_zero {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                              Quaternion.normSq a = 0 a = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_ne_zero {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                              Quaternion.normSq a 0 a 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_nonneg {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                              0 Quaternion.normSq a
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_le_zero {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                              Quaternion.normSq a 0 a = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.sq_eq_normSq {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                              a ^ 2 = (Quaternion.normSq a) a =
                                              theorem Quaternion.sq_eq_neg_normSq {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedCommRing R] {a : Quaternion R} :
                                              a ^ 2 = -(Quaternion.normSq a) = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.instInv_inv {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              a⁻¹ = (Quaternion.normSq a)⁻¹ star a
                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_inv {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (x : R) :
                                              x⁻¹ = (↑x)⁻¹
                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_div {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (x y : R) :
                                              (x / y) = x / y
                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_zpow {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (x : R) (z : ) :
                                              (x ^ z) = x ^ z
                                              • Quaternion.instNNRatCast = { nnratCast := fun (q : ℚ≥0) => q }
                                              • Quaternion.instRatCast = { ratCast := fun (q : ) => q }
                                              theorem Quaternion.re_nnratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ℚ≥0) :
                                              (↑q).re = q
                                              theorem Quaternion.im_nnratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ℚ≥0) :
                                              (↑q).im = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.imI_nnratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ℚ≥0) :
                                              (↑q).imI = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.imJ_nnratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ℚ≥0) :
                                              (↑q).imJ = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.imK_nnratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ℚ≥0) :
                                              (↑q).imK = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.ratCast_re {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).re = q
                                              theorem Quaternion.ratCast_im {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).im = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.ratCast_imI {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).imI = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.ratCast_imJ {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).imJ = 0
                                              theorem Quaternion.ratCast_imK {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).imK = 0
                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.ratCast_imI (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.rat_cast_imI {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).imI = 0

                                              Alias of Quaternion.ratCast_imI.

                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.ratCast_imJ (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.rat_cast_imJ {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).imJ = 0

                                              Alias of Quaternion.ratCast_imJ.

                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.ratCast_imK (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.rat_cast_imK {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (↑q).imK = 0

                                              Alias of Quaternion.ratCast_imK.

                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_nnratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ℚ≥0) :
                                              q = q
                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_ratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              q = q
                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.coe_ratCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.coe_rat_cast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              q = q

                                              Alias of Quaternion.coe_ratCast.

                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_inv {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (a : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq a⁻¹ = (Quaternion.normSq a)⁻¹
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_div {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (a b : Quaternion R) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq (a / b) = Quaternion.normSq a / Quaternion.normSq b
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_zpow {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (a : Quaternion R) (z : ) :
                                              Quaternion.normSq (a ^ z) = Quaternion.normSq a ^ z
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_ratCast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (Quaternion.normSq q) = q ^ 2
                                              @[deprecated Quaternion.normSq_ratCast (since := "2024-04-17")]
                                              theorem Quaternion.normSq_rat_cast {R : Type u_1} [LinearOrderedField R] (q : ) :
                                              (Quaternion.normSq q) = q ^ 2

                                              Alias of Quaternion.normSq_ratCast.

                                              theorem Cardinal.mk_quaternionAlgebra {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) :

                                              The cardinality of a quaternion algebra, as a type.

                                              theorem Cardinal.mk_univ_quaternionAlgebra {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) :
                                     Set.univ = R ^ 4

                                              The cardinality of a quaternion algebra, as a set.

                                              theorem Cardinal.mk_univ_quaternionAlgebra_of_infinite {R : Type u_1} (c₁ c₂ : R) [Infinite R] :
                                     Set.univ = R
                                              instance Cardinal.instReprQuaternionAlgebra {R : Type u_1} [Repr R] {a b : R} :

                                              Show the quaternion ⟨w, x, y, z⟩ as a string "{ re := w, imI := x, imJ := y, imK := z }".

                                              For the typical case of quaternions over ℝ, each component will show as a Cauchy sequence due to the way Real numbers are represented.

                                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                                              The cardinality of the quaternions, as a type.

                                              theorem Cardinal.mk_univ_quaternion (R : Type u_1) [One R] [Neg R] :
                                     Set.univ = R ^ 4

                                              The cardinality of the quaternions, as a set.