

Semireal rings #

A semireal ring is a non-trivial commutative ring (with unit) in which -1 is not a sum of squares. Note that -1 does not make sense in a semiring.

For instance, linearly ordered fields are semireal, because sums of squares are positive and -1 is not. More generally, linearly ordered semirings in which a ≤ b → ∃ c, a + c = b holds, are semireal.

Main declaration #

References #

class IsSemireal (R : Type u_1) [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] [One R] [Neg R] :

A semireal ring is a non-trivial commutative ring (with unit) in which -1 is not a sum of squares. Note that -1 does not make sense in a semiring. Below we define the class IsSemireal R for all additive monoid R equipped with a multiplication, a multiplicative unit and a negation.

    theorem isSemireal_iff (R : Type u_1) [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] [One R] [Neg R] :
    @[deprecated IsSemireal (since := "2024-08-09")]
    def isSemireal (R : Type u_1) [AddMonoid R] [Mul R] [One R] [Neg R] :

    Alias of IsSemireal.

    A semireal ring is a non-trivial commutative ring (with unit) in which -1 is not a sum of squares. Note that -1 does not make sense in a semiring. Below we define the class IsSemireal R for all additive monoid R equipped with a multiplication, a multiplicative unit and a negation.

    Instances For
      @[deprecated IsSemireal.not_isSumSq_neg_one (since := "2024-08-09")]
      theorem isSemireal.neg_one_not_SumSq {R : Type u_1} {inst✝ : AddMonoid R} {inst✝¹ : Mul R} {inst✝² : One R} {inst✝³ : Neg R} [self : IsSemireal R] :

      Alias of IsSemireal.not_isSumSq_neg_one.