Matrices as a normed space #
In this file we provide the following non-instances for norms on matrices:
The elementwise norm:
The Frobenius norm:
The $L^\infty$ operator norm:
These are not declared as instances because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
The norm induced by the identification of Matrix m n 𝕜
EuclideanSpace n 𝕜 →L[𝕜] EuclideanSpace m 𝕜
(i.e., the ℓ² operator norm) can be found in
. It is separated to avoid extraneous imports in this file.
The elementwise supremum norm #
Seminormed group instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a seminormed group. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.seminormedAddCommGroup = Pi.seminormedAddCommGroup
Instances For
The norm of a matrix is the sup of the sup of the nnnorm of the entries
Note this is safe as an instance as it carries no data.
Normed group instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a normed group. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.normedAddCommGroup = Pi.normedAddCommGroup
Instances For
This applies to the sup norm of sup norm.
Normed space instance (using sup norm of sup norm) for matrices over a normed space. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.normedSpace = Pi.normedSpace
Instances For
The $L_\infty$ operator norm #
This section defines the matrix norm $\|A\|_\infty = \operatorname{sup}_i (\sum_j \|A_{ij}\|)$.
Note that this is equivalent to the operator norm, considering $A$ as a linear map between two $L^\infty$ spaces.
Seminormed group instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a seminormed group. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpSeminormedAddCommGroup = inferInstance
Instances For
Normed group instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a normed ring. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpNormedAddCommGroup = inferInstance
Instances For
This applies to the sup norm of L1 norm.
Normed space instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a normed space. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpNormedSpace = inferInstance
Instances For
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_def
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_def
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_col
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_col
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_row
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_row
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_diagonal
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_diagonal
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_mul
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_mul
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_mulVec
Seminormed non-unital ring instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a semi normed non-unital ring. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpNonUnitalSemiNormedRing = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The L₁-L∞
norm preserves one on non-empty matrices. Note this is safe as an instance, as it
carries no data.
Seminormed ring instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a semi normed ring. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpSemiNormedRing = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Normed non-unital ring instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a normed non-unital ring. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpNonUnitalNormedRing = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Normed ring instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a normed ring. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpNormedRing = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Normed algebra instance (using sup norm of L1 norm) for matrices over a normed algebra. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.linftyOpNormedAlgebra = ⋯
Instances For
For a matrix over a field, the norm defined in this section agrees with the operator norm on
s between function types (which have the infinity norm).
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_eq_opNNNorm
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_eq_opNorm
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNNNorm_toMatrix
Alias of Matrix.linfty_opNorm_toMatrix
The Frobenius norm #
This is defined as $\|A\| = \sqrt{\sum_{i,j} \|A_{ij}\|^2}$. When the matrix is over the real or complex numbers, this norm is submultiplicative.
Seminormed group instance (using frobenius norm) for matrices over a seminormed group. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.frobeniusSeminormedAddCommGroup = inferInstanceAs (SeminormedAddCommGroup (PiLp 2 fun (_i : m) => PiLp 2 fun (_j : n) => α))
Instances For
Normed group instance (using frobenius norm) for matrices over a normed group. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.frobeniusNormedAddCommGroup = inferInstance
Instances For
This applies to the frobenius norm.
Normed space instance (using frobenius norm) for matrices over a normed space. Not declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a matrix.
- Matrix.frobeniusNormedSpace = inferInstance
Instances For
Normed ring instance (using frobenius norm) for matrices over ℝ
or ℂ
. Not
declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a
- Matrix.frobeniusNormedRing = ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Normed algebra instance (using frobenius norm) for matrices over ℝ
or ℂ
. Not
declared as an instance because there are several natural choices for defining the norm of a
- Matrix.frobeniusNormedAlgebra = ⋯