Weak dual of normed space #
Let E
be a normed space over a field ๐
. This file is concerned with properties of the weak-*
topology on the dual of E
. By the dual, we mean either of the type synonyms
NormedSpace.Dual ๐ E
or WeakDual ๐ E
, depending on whether it is viewed as equipped with its
usual operator norm topology or the weak-* topology.
It is shown that the canonical mapping NormedSpace.Dual ๐ E โ WeakDual ๐ E
is continuous, and
as a consequence the weak-* topology is coarser than the topology obtained from the operator norm
(dual norm).
In this file, we also establish the Banach-Alaoglu theorem about the compactness of closed balls
in the dual of E
(as well as sets of somewhat more general form) with respect to the weak-*
Main definitions #
The main definitions concern the canonical mapping Dual ๐ E โ WeakDual ๐ E
: Linear equivalences fromdual ๐ E
toWeakDual ๐ E
and in the converse direction.NormedSpace.Dual.continuousLinearMapToWeakDual
: A continuous linear mapping fromDual ๐ E
toWeakDual ๐ E
(same asNormedSpace.Dual.toWeakDual
but different bundled data).
Main results #
The first main result concerns the comparison of the operator norm topology on dual ๐ E
and the
weak-* topology on (its type synonym) WeakDual ๐ E
: The weak-* topology on the dual of a normed space is coarser (not necessarily strictly) than the operator norm topology.WeakDual.isCompact_polar
(a version of the Banach-Alaoglu theorem): The polar set of a neighborhood of the origin in a normed spaceE
is compact inWeakDual _ E
, if the nontrivially normed field๐
is proper as a topological space.WeakDual.isCompact_closedBall
(the most common special case of the Banach-Alaoglu theorem): Closed balls in the dual of a normed spaceE
are compact in the weak-star topology.
- Add that in finite dimensions, the weak-* topology and the dual norm topology coincide.
- Add that in infinite dimensions, the weak-* topology is strictly coarser than the dual norm topology.
- Add metrizability of the dual unit ball (more generally weak-star compact subsets) of
WeakDual ๐ E
under the assumption of separability ofE
. - Add the sequential Banach-Alaoglu theorem: the dual unit ball of a separable normed space
is sequentially compact in the weak-star topology. This would follow from the metrizability above.
Notations #
No new notation is introduced.
Implementation notes #
Weak-* topology is defined generally in the file Topology.Algebra.Module.WeakDual
When E
is a normed space, the duals Dual ๐ E
and WeakDual ๐ E
are type synonyms with
different topology instances.
For the proof of Banach-Alaoglu theorem, the weak dual of E
is embedded in the space of
functions E โ ๐
with the topology of pointwise convergence.
The polar set polar ๐ s
of a subset s
of E
is originally defined as a subset of the dual
Dual ๐ E
. We care about properties of these w.r.t. weak-* topology, and for this purpose give
the definition WeakDual.polar ๐ s
for the "same" subset viewed as a subset of WeakDual ๐ E
(a type synonym of the dual but with a different topology instance).
References #
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weak_topology#Weak-*_topology
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banach%E2%80%93Alaoglu_theorem
Tags #
weak-star, weak dual
Weak star topology on duals of normed spaces #
In this section, we prove properties about the weak-* topology on duals of normed spaces.
We prove in particular that the canonical mapping Dual ๐ E โ WeakDual ๐ E
is continuous,
i.e., that the weak-* topology is coarser (not necessarily strictly) than the topology given
by the dual-norm (i.e. the operator-norm).
For normed spaces E
, there is a canonical map Dual ๐ E โ WeakDual ๐ E
(the "identity"
mapping). It is a linear equivalence.
- NormedSpace.Dual.toWeakDual = LinearEquiv.refl ๐ (E โL[๐] ๐)
Instances For
Alias of NormedSpace.Dual.toWeakDual_inj
For a normed space E
, according to toWeakDual_continuous
the "identity mapping"
Dual ๐ E โ WeakDual ๐ E
is continuous. This definition implements it as a continuous linear
- NormedSpace.Dual.continuousLinearMapToWeakDual = { toLinearMap := โNormedSpace.Dual.toWeakDual, cont := โฏ }
Instances For
The weak-star topology is coarser than the dual-norm topology.
For normed spaces E
, there is a canonical map WeakDual ๐ E โ Dual ๐ E
(the "identity"
mapping). It is a linear equivalence. Here it is implemented as the inverse of the linear
equivalence NormedSpace.Dual.toWeakDual
in the other direction.
- WeakDual.toNormedDual = NormedSpace.Dual.toWeakDual.symm
Instances For
Alias of WeakDual.toNormedDual_inj
Polar sets in the weak dual space #
The polar set polar ๐ s
of s : Set E
seen as a subset of the dual of E
with the
weak-star topology is WeakDual.polar ๐ s
- WeakDual.polar ๐ s = โWeakDual.toNormedDual โปยน' NormedSpace.polar ๐ s
Instances For
The polar polar ๐ s
of a set s : E
is a closed subset when the weak star topology
is used.
While the coercion โ : WeakDual ๐ E โ (E โ ๐)
is not a closed map, it sends bounded
closed sets to closed sets.
The image under โ : WeakDual ๐ E โ (E โ ๐)
of a polar WeakDual.polar ๐ s
of a
neighborhood s
of the origin is a closed set.
The image under โ : NormedSpace.Dual ๐ E โ (E โ ๐)
of a polar polar ๐ s
of a
neighborhood s
of the origin is a closed set.
The Banach-Alaoglu theorem: the polar set of a neighborhood s
of the origin in a
normed space E
is a compact subset of WeakDual ๐ E
The Banach-Alaoglu theorem: closed balls of the dual of a normed space E
are compact in
the weak-star topology.