on string iterators. This coincides with <
on strings as lists.
Instances For
- String.LT' = { lt := fun (s₁ s₂ : String) => String.ltb s₁.iter s₂.iter = true }
- String.decidableLT = id inferInstance
{motive : String.Iterator → String.Iterator → Sort u}
(it₁ it₂ : String.Iterator)
(ind :
(s₁ s₂ : String) →
(i₁ i₂ : String.Pos) →
{ s := s₂, i := i₂ }.hasNext = true →
{ s := s₁, i := i₁ }.hasNext = true →
s₁.get i₁ = s₂.get i₂ →
motive { s := s₁, i := i₁ }.next { s := s₂, i := i₂ }.next →
motive { s := s₁, i := i₁ } { s := s₂, i := i₂ })
(eq :
(s₁ s₂ : String) →
(i₁ i₂ : String.Pos) →
{ s := s₂, i := i₂ }.hasNext = true →
{ s := s₁, i := i₁ }.hasNext = true → ¬s₁.get i₁ = s₂.get i₂ → motive { s := s₁, i := i₁ } { s := s₂, i := i₂ })
(base₁ :
(s₁ s₂ : String) →
(i₁ i₂ : String.Pos) →
{ s := s₂, i := i₂ }.hasNext = true →
¬{ s := s₁, i := i₁ }.hasNext = true → motive { s := s₁, i := i₁ } { s := s₂, i := i₂ })
(base₂ :
(s₁ s₂ : String) →
(i₁ i₂ : String.Pos) → ¬{ s := s₂, i := i₂ }.hasNext = true → motive { s := s₁, i := i₁ } { s := s₂, i := i₂ })
motive it₁ it₂
Induction on String.ltb
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
(c : Char)
(cs₁ cs₂ : List Char)
(i₁ i₂ : String.Pos)
String.ltb { s := { data := c :: cs₁ }, i := i₁ + c } { s := { data := c :: cs₂ }, i := i₂ + c } = String.ltb { s := { data := cs₁ }, i := i₁ } { s := { data := cs₂ }, i := i₂ }
- String.decidableLE = id inferInstance
@[deprecated String.asString_nil (since := "2024-06-04")]
Alias of String.asString_nil
@[deprecated String.asString_toList (since := "2024-06-04")]
Alias of String.asString_toList
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
@[deprecated List.toList_asString (since := "2024-06-04")]
Alias of List.toList_asString