Miscellaneous #
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A product space α × β
is equivalent to the space Π i : Fin 2, γ i
, where
γ = Fin.cons α (Fin.cons β finZeroElim)
. See also piFinTwoEquiv
- prodEquivPiFinTwo α β = (piFinTwoEquiv (Fin.cons α (Fin.cons β finZeroElim))).symm
Instances For
The space of functions Fin 2 → α
is equivalent to α × α
. See also piFinTwoEquiv
- finTwoArrowEquiv α = { toFun := (piFinTwoEquiv fun (x : Fin 2) => α).toFun, invFun := fun (x : α × α) => ![x.1, x.2], left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
An equivalence that removes i
and maps it to none
This is a version of Fin.predAbove
that produces Option (Fin n)
instead of
mapping both i.cast_succ
and i.succ
to i
- finSuccEquiv' i = { toFun := i.insertNth none some, invFun := fun (x : Option (Fin n)) => x.casesOn' i i.succAbove, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The equiv version of Fin.predAbove_zero
as an order isomorphism between Fin n
and {x : Fin (n + 1) // x ≠ p}
- finSuccAboveEquiv p = (Equiv.optionSubtype p) ⟨(finSuccEquiv' p).symm, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Equivalence between Π j : Fin (n + 1), α j
and α i × Π j : Fin n, α (Fin.succAbove i j)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Equivalence between Fin (n + 1) → β
and β × (Fin n → β)
- Equiv.piFinSucc n β = (Fin.insertNthEquiv (fun (x : Fin (n + 1)) => β) 0).symm
Instances For
An embedding e : Fin (n+1) ↪ ι
corresponds to an embedding f : Fin n ↪ ι
the last n
coordinates of e
) together with a value not taken by f
(corresponding to e 0
- Equiv.embeddingFinSucc n ι = ((finSuccEquiv n).embeddingCongr (Equiv.refl ι)).trans (Function.Embedding.optionEmbeddingEquiv (Fin n) ι)
Instances For
Equivalence between Fin (n + 1) → β
and β × (Fin n → β)
which separates out the last
element of the tuple.
- Equiv.piFinCastSucc n β = (Fin.insertNthEquiv (fun (x : Fin (n + 1)) => β) (Fin.last n)).symm
Instances For
Equivalence between Fin m ⊕ Fin n
and Fin (m + n)
- finSumFinEquiv = { toFun := Sum.elim (Fin.castAdd n) (Fin.natAdd m), invFun := fun (i : Fin (m + n)) => Fin.addCases Sum.inl Sum.inr i, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }
Instances For
The equivalence induced by a ↦ (a / n, a % n)
for nonzero n
This is like finProdFinEquiv.symm
but with m
See Nat.div_mod_unique
for a similar propositional statement.
Instances For
The equivalence induced by a ↦ (a / n, a % n)
for nonzero n
See Int.ediv_emod_unique
for a similar propositional statement.
Instances For
Promote a Fin n
into a larger Fin m
, as a subtype where the underlying
values are retained.
This is the Equiv
version of Fin.castLE
- Fin.castLEquiv h = { toFun := fun (i : Fin n) => ⟨Fin.castLE h i, ⋯⟩, invFun := fun (i : { i : Fin m // ↑i < n }) => ⟨↑↑i, ⋯⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }