Function fields #
This file defines a function field and the ring of integers corresponding to it.
Main definitions #
FunctionField Fq F
states thatF
is a function field over the (finite) fieldFq
, i.e. it is a finite extension of the field of rational functions in one variable overFq
defines the ring of integers corresponding to a function field as the integral closure ofFq[X]
in the function field.FunctionField.inftyValuation
: The place at infinity onFq(t)
is the nonarchimedean valuation onFq(t)
with uniformizer1/t
: The completionFq((t⁻¹))
with respect to the valuation at infinity.
Implementation notes #
The definitions that involve a field of fractions choose a canonical field of fractions,
but are independent of that choice. We also omit assumptions like Finite Fq
IsScalarTower Fq[X] (FractionRing Fq[X]) F
in definitions,
adding them back in lemmas when they are needed.
References #
- [D. Marcus, Number Fields][marcus1977number]
- [J.W.S. Cassels, A. Frölich, Algebraic Number Theory][cassels1967algebraic]
- [P. Samuel, Algebraic Theory of Numbers][samuel1970algebraic]
Tags #
function field, ring of integers
is a function field over the finite field Fq
if it is a finite
extension of the field of rational functions in one variable over Fq
Note that F
can be a function field over multiple, non-isomorphic, Fq
- FunctionField Fq F = FiniteDimensional (RatFunc Fq) F
Instances For
is a function field over Fq
iff it is a finite extension of Fq(t)
The function field analogue of NumberField.ringOfIntegers
FunctionField.ringOfIntegers Fq Fqt F
is the integral closure of Fq[t]
in F
We don't actually assume F
is a function field over Fq
in the definition,
only when proving its properties.
- FunctionField.ringOfIntegers Fq F = integralClosure (Polynomial Fq) F
Instances For
The place at infinity on Fq(t) #
The valuation at infinity is the nonarchimedean valuation on Fq(t)
with uniformizer 1/t
Explicitly, if f/g ∈ Fq(t)
is a nonzero quotient of polynomials, its valuation at infinity is
Multiplicative.ofAdd(degree(f) - degree(g))
- FunctionField.inftyValuationDef Fq r = if r = 0 then 0 else ↑(Multiplicative.ofAdd r.intDegree)
Instances For
The valuation at infinity on Fq(t)
- FunctionField.inftyValuation Fq = { toFun := FunctionField.inftyValuationDef Fq, map_zero' := ⋯, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add_le_max' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The valued field Fq(t)
with the valuation at infinity.
Instances For
The completion Fq((t⁻¹))
of Fq(t)
with respect to the valuation at infinity.
Instances For
- FunctionField.instFieldFqtInfty Fq = UniformSpace.Completion.instField
- FunctionField.instInhabitedFqtInfty Fq = { default := 0 }
The valuation at infinity on k(t)
extends to a valuation on FqtInfty
- FunctionField.valuedFqtInfty Fq = Valued.valuedCompletion