Finite places of number fields #
This file defines finite places of a number field K
as absolute values coming from an embedding
into a completion of K
associated to a non-zero prime ideal of š K
Main Definitions and Results #
: av
-adic absolute value onK
: the type of finite places of a number fieldK
: thev
-adic absolute value of a non-zero element ofK
is different from 1 for at most finitely manyv
Tags #
number field, places, finite places
The norm of a maximal ideal as an element of āā„0
is > 1
The v
-adic absolute value on K
defined as the norm of v
raised to negative v
- NumberField.vadicAbv v = { toFun := fun (x : K) => ā((WithZeroMulInt.toNNReal āÆ) (v.valuation x)), map_mul' := āÆ, nonneg' := āÆ, eq_zero' := āÆ, add_le' := āÆ }
Instances For
The embedding of a number field inside its completion with respect to v
- NumberField.embedding v = UniformSpace.Completion.coeRingHom
Instances For
- NumberField.instRankOneValuedAdicCompletion v = { hom := { toFun := ā(WithZeroMulInt.toNNReal āÆ), map_zero' := āÆ, map_one' := āÆ, map_mul' := āÆ }, strictMono' := āÆ, nontrivial' := āÆ }
The v
-adic completion of K
is a normed field.
A finite place of a number field K
is a place associated to an embedding into a completion
with respect to a maximal ideal.
- NumberField.FinitePlace K = { w : AbsoluteValue K ā // ā (v : IsDedekindDomain.HeightOneSpectrum (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)), (NumberField.embedding v) = w }
Instances For
Return the finite place defined by a maximal ideal v
- v = āØ (NumberField.embedding v), āÆā©
Instances For
The norm of the image after the embedding associated to v
is equal to the v
-adic absolute
The norm of the image after the embedding associated to v
is equal to the norm of v
to the power of the v
-adic valuation.
The norm of the image after the embedding associated to v
is equal to the norm of v
to the power of the v
-adic valuation for integers.
The v
-adic norm of an integer is at most 1.
The v
-adic norm of an integer is 1 if and only if it is not in the ideal.
The v
-adic norm of an integer is less than 1 if and only if it is in the ideal.
- NumberField.FinitePlace.instFunLikeReal = { coe := fun (w : NumberField.FinitePlace K) (x : K) => āw x, coe_injective' := āÆ }
For a finite place w
, return a maximal ideal v
such that w = finite_place v
- w.maximalIdeal = āÆ.choose
Instances For
The equivalence between finite places and maximal ideals.
- NumberField.FinitePlace.equivHeightOneSpectrum = { toFun := NumberField.FinitePlace.maximalIdeal, invFun :=, left_inv := āÆ, right_inv := āÆ }