Generators of algebras #
Main definition #
: A family of generators of aR
consists ofAlgebra.Generators.Hom
: Given a commuting squareR --→ P = R[X] ---→ S | | ↓ ↓ R' -→ P' = R'[X'] → S
A hom between
is an assignmentX → P'
such that the arrows commute.Algebra.Generators.Cotangent
: The cotangent space wrtP = R[X] → S
, i.e. the spaceI/I²
being the kernel of the presentation.
A family of generators of a R
-algebra S
consists of
: The type of variables.val : vars → S
: The assignment of each variable to a value inS
: A section ofR[X] → S
- vars : Type w
The type of variables.
- val : self.vars → S
The assignment of each variable to a value in
. - σ' : S → MvPolynomial self.vars R
A section of
R[X] → S
. - aeval_val_σ' (s : S) : (MvPolynomial.aeval self.val) (self.σ' s) = s
- algebra : Algebra (MvPolynomial self.vars R) S
-algebra instance onS
. The default is the one induced by the mapR[X] → S
, but this causes a diamond if there is an existing instance. - algebraMap_eq : algebraMap (MvPolynomial self.vars R) S = ↑(MvPolynomial.aeval self.val)
Instances For
The polynomial ring wrt a family of generators.
- P.Ring = MvPolynomial P.vars R
Instances For
The designated section of wrt a family of generators.
- P.σ = P.σ'
Instances For
See Note [custom simps projection]
- Algebra.Generators.Simps.σ P = P.σ
Instances For
Construct Generators
from an assignment I → S
such that R[X] → S
is surjective.
- Algebra.Generators.ofSurjective val h = { vars := vars, val := val, σ' := fun (x : S) => ⋯.choose, aeval_val_σ' := ⋯, algebra := (MvPolynomial.aeval val).toAlgebra, algebraMap_eq := ⋯ }
Instances For
If algebraMap R S
is surjective, the empty type generates S
Instances For
The canonical generators for R
as an R
- = Algebra.Generators.ofSurjectiveAlgebraMap ⋯
Instances For
Construct Generators
from an assignment I → S
such that R[X] → S
is surjective.
- Algebra.Generators.ofAlgHom f h = Algebra.Generators.ofSurjective (⇑f ∘ MvPolynomial.X) ⋯
Instances For
Construct Generators
from a family of generators of S
- Algebra.Generators.ofSet hs = Algebra.Generators.ofSurjective Subtype.val ⋯
Instances For
The Generators
containing the whole algebra, which induces the canonical map R[S] → S
- Algebra.Generators.self R S = { vars := S, val := id, σ' := MvPolynomial.X, aeval_val_σ' := ⋯, algebra := (MvPolynomial.aeval id).toAlgebra, algebraMap_eq := ⋯ }
Instances For
The extension R[X₁,...,Xₙ] → S
given a family of generators.
- P.toExtension = P.Ring P.σ ⋯
Instances For
If S
is the localization of R
away from r
, we obtain a canonical generator mapping
to the inverse of r
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Instances For
Given two families of generators S[X] → T
and R[Y] → S
we may construct the family of generators R[X, Y] → T
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Instances For
If R → S → T
is a tower of algebras, a family of generators R[X] → T
gives a family of generators S[X] → T
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Instances For
If P
is a family of generators of S
over R
and T
is an R
-algebra, we
obtain a natural family of generators of T ⊗[R] S
over T
- P.baseChange = Algebra.Generators.ofSurjective (fun (x : P.vars) => 1 ⊗ₜ[R] P.val x) ⋯
Instances For
Given a commuting square
R --→ P = R[X] ---→ S
| |
↓ ↓
R' -→ P' = R'[X'] → S
A hom between P
and P'
is an assignment I → P'
such that the arrows commute.
Also see Algebra.Generators.Hom.equivAlgHom
- val : P.vars → P'.Ring
The assignment of each variable in
to a value inP' = R'[X']
. - aeval_val (i : P.vars) : (MvPolynomial.aeval P'.val) (self.val i) = (algebraMap S S') (P.val i)
Instances For
A hom between two families of generators gives an algebra homomorphism between the polynomial rings.
- f.toAlgHom = MvPolynomial.aeval f.val
Instances For
Giving a hom between two families of generators is equivalent to giving an algebra homomorphism between the polynomial rings.
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Instances For
The hom from P
to P'
given by the designated section of P'
- P.defaultHom P' = { val := P'.σ ∘ ⇑(algebraMap S S') ∘ P.val, aeval_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
- P.instInhabitedHom P' = { default := P.defaultHom P' }
The identity hom.
- P = { val := MvPolynomial.X, aeval_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
The composition of two homs.
- f.comp g = { val := fun (x : P.vars) => (MvPolynomial.aeval f.val) (g.val x), aeval_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given families of generators X ⊆ T
over S
and Y ⊆ S
over R
there is a map of generators R[Y] → R[X, Y]
- Q.toComp P = { val := fun (i : P.vars) => MvPolynomial.X (Sum.inr i), aeval_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given families of generators X ⊆ T
over S
and Y ⊆ S
over R
there is a map of generators R[X, Y] → S[X]
Instances For
Given families of generators X ⊆ T
, there is a map R[X] → S[X]
- P.toExtendScalars = { val := MvPolynomial.X, aeval_val := ⋯ }
Instances For
Reinterpret a hom between generators as a hom between extensions.
- f.toExtensionHom = { toRingHom := f.toAlgHom.toRingHom, toRingHom_algebraMap := ⋯, algebraMap_toRingHom := ⋯ }
Instances For
The kernel of a presentation.
- P.ker = P.toExtension.ker