Summable families of Hahn Series #
We introduce a notion of formal summability for families of Hahn series, and define a formal sum function. This theory is applied to characterize invertible Hahn series whose coefficients are in a commutative domain.
Main Definitions #
- A
is a family of Hahn series such that the union of the supports is partially well-ordered and only finitely many are nonzero at any given coefficient. Note that this is different fromSummable
in the valuation topology, because there are topologically summable families that do not satisfy the axioms ofHahnSeries.SummableFamily
, and formally summable families whose sums do not converge topologically. - The formal sum,
can be bundled as aLinearMap
Main results #
- If
is a commutative domain, andΓ
is a linearly ordered additive commutative group, then a Hahn series is a unit if and only if its leading term is a unit inR
- Remove unnecessary domain hypotheses.
- More general summable families, e.g., define the evaluation homomorphism from a power series
ring taking
to a positive order element.
References #
- [J. van der Hoeven, Operators on Generalized Power Series][van_der_hoeven]
A family of Hahn series whose formal coefficient-wise sum is a Hahn series. For each coefficient of the sum to be well-defined, we require that only finitely many series are nonzero at any given coefficient. For the formal sum to be a Hahn series, we require that the union of the supports of the constituent series is partially well-ordered.
- toFun : α → HahnSeries Γ R
A parametrized family of Hahn series.
- isPWO_iUnion_support' : (⋃ (a : α), (self.toFun a).support).IsPWO
- finite_co_support' (g : Γ) : {a : α | (self.toFun a).coeff g ≠ 0}.Finite
Instances For
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instFunLike = { coe := HahnSeries.SummableFamily.toFun, coe_injective' := ⋯ }
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instAdd = { add := fun (x y : HahnSeries.SummableFamily Γ R α) => { toFun := ⇑x + ⇑y, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ } }
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instZero = { zero := { toFun := 0, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ } }
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instInhabited = { default := 0 }
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instAddCommMonoid = ⋯
The coefficient function of a summable family, as a finsupp on the parameter type.
- s.coeff g = { support := ⋯.toFinset, toFun := fun (a : α) => (s a).coeff g, mem_support_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
The infinite sum of a SummableFamily
of Hahn series.
- s.hsum = { coeff := fun (g : Γ) => ∑ᶠ (i : α), (s i).coeff g, isPWO_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The summable family made of a single Hahn series.
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.single x = { toFun := fun (x_1 : Unit) => x, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A summable family induced by an equivalence of the parametrizing type.
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.Equiv e s = { toFun := fun (b : β) => s (e.symm b), isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The summable family given by multiplying every series in a summable family by a scalar.
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.smulFamily f s = { toFun := fun (a : α) => f a • s a, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instNeg = { neg := fun (s : HahnSeries.SummableFamily Γ R α) => { toFun := fun (a : α) => -s a, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ } }
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.instAddCommGroup = ⋯
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
An elementwise scalar multiplication of one summable family on another.
- s.smul t = { toFun := fun (ab : α × β) => (HahnModule.of R).symm (s ab.1 • (HahnModule.of R) (t ab.2)), isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Alias of HahnSeries.SummableFamily.smul
An elementwise scalar multiplication of one summable family on another.
Instances For
Alias of HahnSeries.SummableFamily.smul_coeff
Alias of HahnSeries.SummableFamily.smul_hsum
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The summation of a summable_family
as a LinearMap
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.lsum = { toFun := HahnSeries.SummableFamily.hsum, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A summable family given by pointwise multiplication of a pair of summable families.
Instances For
A family with only finitely many nonzero elements is summable.
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.ofFinsupp f = { toFun := ⇑f, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A summable family can be reindexed by an embedding without changing its sum.
- s.embDomain f = { toFun := fun (b : β) => if h : b ∈ Set.range ⇑f then s (Classical.choose h) else 0, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The powers of an element of positive valuation form a summable family.
- HahnSeries.SummableFamily.powers x hx = { toFun := fun (n : ℕ) => x ^ n, isPWO_iUnion_support' := ⋯, finite_co_support' := ⋯ }