

The light profinite set classifying convergent sequences #

This files defines the light profinite set ℕ∪{∞}, defined as the one point compactification of .

The continuous map from ℕ∪{∞} to sending n to 1/(n+1) and to 0.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    The continuous map from ℕ∪{∞} to sending n to 1/(n+1) and to 0 is a closed embedding.

    @[deprecated LightProfinite.isClosedEmbedding_natUnionInftyEmbedding (since := "2024-10-20")]

    Alias of LightProfinite.isClosedEmbedding_natUnionInftyEmbedding.

    The continuous map from ℕ∪{∞} to sending n to 1/(n+1) and to 0 is a closed embedding.

    @[reducible, inline]

    The one point compactification of the natural numbers as a light profinite set.

    Instances For

      The one point compactification of the natural numbers as a light profinite set.

      Instances For
        theorem LightProfinite.continuous_iff_convergent {Y : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace Y] (f : LightProfinite.NatUnionInfty.toTopY) :
        Continuous f Filter.Tendsto (fun (x : ) => f (some x)) Filter.atTop (nhds (f OnePoint.infty))