

The category of open neighborhoods of a point #

Given an object X of the category TopCat of topological spaces and a point x : X, this file builds the type OpenNhds x of open neighborhoods of x in X and endows it with the partial order given by inclusion and the corresponding category structure (as a full subcategory of the poset category Set X). This is used in Topology.Sheaves.Stalks to build the stalk of a sheaf at x as a limit over OpenNhds x.

Main declarations #

Besides OpenNhds, the main constructions here are:

def TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds {X : TopCat} (x : X) :

The type of open neighbourhoods of a point x in a (bundled) topological space.

Instances For
    instance TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.opensNhdsHomHasCoeToFun {X : TopCat} {x : X} {U V : TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds x} :
    CoeFun (U V) fun (x_1 : U V) => U.objV.obj
    • TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.opensNhdsHomHasCoeToFun = { coe := fun (f : U V) (x_1 : U.obj) => x_1, }

    The inclusion U ⊓ V ⟶ U as a morphism in the category of open sets.

    Instances For

      The inclusion U ⊓ V ⟶ V as a morphism in the category of open sets.

      Instances For

        The inclusion functor from open neighbourhoods of x to open sets in the ambient topological space.

        Instances For
          theorem TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusion_obj {X : TopCat} (x : X) (U : TopologicalSpace.Opens X) (p : x U) :
          (TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.inclusion x).obj { obj := U, property := p } = U
          @[deprecated TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.isOpenEmbedding (since := "2024-10-18")]

          Alias of TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.isOpenEmbedding.

          The preimage functor from neighborhoods of f x to neighborhoods of x.

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          Instances For
            theorem TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.map_obj {X Y : TopCat} (f : X Y) (x : X) (U : TopologicalSpace.Opens Y) (q : f x U) :
            ( f x).obj { obj := U, property := q } = { obj := ( f).obj U, property := q }
            theorem TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds.map_id_obj' {X : TopCat} (x : X) (U : Set X) (p : IsOpen U) (q : ( X) x { carrier := U, is_open' := p }) :
            ( ( X) x).obj { obj := { carrier := U, is_open' := p }, property := q } = { obj := { carrier := U, is_open' := p }, property := q }

   f and f form a commuting square (up to natural isomorphism) with the inclusion functors into Opens X.

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            Instances For

              An open map f : X ⟶ Y induces a functor OpenNhds x ⥤ OpenNhds (f x).

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              Instances For
                theorem IsOpenMap.functorNhds_map {X Y : TopCat} {f : X Y} (h : IsOpenMap f) (x : X) {X✝ Y✝ : TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds x} (i : X✝ Y✝) :
                (h.functorNhds x).map i = i
                theorem IsOpenMap.functorNhds_obj_obj {X Y : TopCat} {f : X Y} (h : IsOpenMap f) (x : X) (U : TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds x) :
                ((h.functorNhds x).obj U).obj = h.functor.obj U.obj
                def IsOpenMap.adjunctionNhds {X Y : TopCat} {f : X Y} (h : IsOpenMap f) (x : X) :

                An open map f : X ⟶ Y induces an adjunction between OpenNhds x and OpenNhds (f x).

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                Instances For

                  An inducing map f : X ⟶ Y induces a functor open_nhds x ⥤ open_nhds (f x).

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                  Instances For
                    theorem Topology.IsInducing.functorNhds_obj_obj {X Y : TopCat} {f : X Y} (h : Topology.IsInducing f) (x : X) (U : TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds x) :
                    ((h.functorNhds x).obj U).obj = h.functor.obj U.obj
                    theorem Topology.IsInducing.functorNhds_map {X Y : TopCat} {f : X Y} (h : Topology.IsInducing f) (x : X) {X✝ Y✝ : TopologicalSpace.OpenNhds x} (a✝ : X✝.obj Y✝.obj) :
                    (h.functorNhds x).map a✝ = a✝
                    def Topology.IsInducing.adjunctionNhds {X Y : TopCat} {f : X Y} (h : Topology.IsInducing f) (x : X) :

                    An inducing map f : X ⟶ Y induces an adjunction between open_nhds x and open_nhds (f x).

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                    Instances For