

Structures: Square root of a natural number #

We have seen the following types:

There is only one other basic type construction in Lean: Inductive Types and their generalization, Indexed Inductive Types.

We start with a special class of inductive types: Structures. We will also see how to combine data and proofs and to prove with tactics.

Square root of a natural number #

structure NatSqrt (n : Nat) :
  • val : Nat
  • isSqrt : self.val * self.val = n
Instances For
    def sqrt4 :
    Instances For
      def sqrt3 :
      Instances For
        def sqrt9 :
        Instances For

          A lemma #

          We will define a function that gives the square root of a product of two natural numbers. We will first prove a lemma that will be useful in the definition. This will be proved using tactics.

          Note that all the rw tactics can be written as a single tactic with a list of rewrites.

          theorem sqrt_mul (a b : Nat) :
          a * a * (b * b) = a * b * (a * b)
          def sqrt_prod {m n : Nat} (sqm : NatSqrt m) (sqn : NatSqrt n) :
          NatSqrt (m * n)
          • sqrt_prod sqm sqn = { val := sqm.val * sqn.val, isSqrt := }
          Instances For