

Local cohomology. #

This file defines the i-th local cohomology module of an R-module M with support in an ideal I of R, where R is a commutative ring, as the direct limit of Ext modules:

Given a collection of ideals cofinal with the powers of I, consider the directed system of quotients of R by these ideals, and take the direct limit of the system induced on the i-th Ext into M. One can, of course, take the collection to simply be the integral powers of I.

References #

Tags #

local cohomology, local cohomology modules

Future work #

The directed system of R-modules of the form R/J, where J is an ideal of R, determined by the functor I

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Instances For

    The diagram we will take the colimit of to define local cohomology, corresponding to the directed system determined by the functor I

    Instances For

      localCohomology.ofDiagram I i is the functor sending a module M over a commutative ring R to the direct limit of Ext^i(R/J, M), where J ranges over a collection of ideals of R, represented as a functor I.

      Instances For

        Local cohomology agrees along precomposition with a cofinal diagram.

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        Instances For

          The functor sending a natural number i to the i-th power of the ideal J

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          Instances For

            The full subcategory of all ideals with radical containing J

            Instances For

              The diagram of all ideals with radical containing J, represented as a functor. This is the "largest" diagram that computes local cohomology with support in J.

              Instances For

                We give two models for the local cohomology with support in an ideal J: first in terms of the powers of J (localCohomology), then in terms of all ideals with radical containing J (localCohomology.ofSelfLERadical).

                localCohomology J i is i-th the local cohomology module of a module M over a commutative ring R with support in the ideal J of R, defined as the direct limit of Ext^i(R/J^t, M) over all powers t : ℕ.

                Instances For

                  Local cohomology as the direct limit of Ext^i(R/J', M) over all ideals J' with radical containing J.

                  Instances For

                    Showing equivalence of different definitions of local cohomology.

                    theorem localCohomology.Ideal.exists_pow_le_of_le_radical_of_fG {R : Type u} [CommRing R] {I : Ideal R} {J : Ideal R} (hIJ : I Ideal.radical J) (hJ : Ideal.FG (Ideal.radical J)) :
                    ∃ (k : ), I ^ k J

                    The lemma below essentially says that idealPowersToSelfLERadical I is initial in selfLERadicalDiagram I.

                    PORTING NOTE: This lemma should probably be moved to Mathlib/RingTheory/Finiteness to be near Ideal.exists_radical_pow_le_of_fg, which it generalizes.

                    The diagram of powers of J is initial in the diagram of all ideals with radical containing J. This uses noetherianness.

                    • =

                    Local cohomology (defined in terms of powers of J) agrees with local cohomology computed over all ideals with radical containing J.

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                    Instances For

                      Casting from the full subcategory of ideals with radical containing J to the full subcategory of ideals with radical containing K.

                      Instances For
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                        The natural isomorphism between local cohomology defined using the of_self_le_radical diagram, assuming J.radical = K.radical.

                        Instances For