The category of homological complexes up to quasi-isomorphisms
Given a category C
with homology and any complex shape c
, we define
the category HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
which is the localized
category of HomologicalComplex C c
with respect to quasi-isomorphisms.
When C
is abelian, this will be the derived category of C
in the
particular case of the complex shape ComplexShape.up ℤ
Under suitable assumptions on c
(e.g. chain complexes, or cochain
complexes indexed by ℤ
), we shall show that HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
is also the localized category of HomotopyCategory C c
with respect to
the class of quasi-isomorphisms.
The category of homological complexes up to quasi-isomorphisms.
Instances For
The localization functor HomologicalComplex C c ⥤ HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
- HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.Q = CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.Q' (HomologicalComplex.quasiIso C c)
Instances For
The homology functor HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c ⥤ C
for each i : ι
- HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.homologyFunctor C c i = CategoryTheory.Localization.lift (HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C c i) ⋯ HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.Q
Instances For
The homology functor on HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
is induced by
the homology functor on HomologicalComplex C c
- HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.homologyFunctorFactors C c i = CategoryTheory.Localization.fac (HomologicalComplex.homologyFunctor C c i) ⋯ HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.Q
Instances For
The class of quasi-isomorphisms in the homotopy category.
- HomotopyCategory.quasiIso C c f = ∀ (i : ι), CategoryTheory.IsIso ((HomotopyCategory.homologyFunctor C c i).map f)
Instances For
The condition on a complex shape c
saying that homotopic maps become equal in
the localized category with respect to quasi-isomorphisms.
- areEqualizedByLocalization : ∀ {K L : HomologicalComplex C c} {f g : K ⟶ L}, Homotopy f g → CategoryTheory.AreEqualizedByLocalization (HomologicalComplex.quasiIso C c) f g
The functor HomotopyCategory C c ⥤ HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
from the homotopy
category to the localized category with respect to quasi-isomorphisms.
- HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.Qh = CategoryTheory.Quotient.lift (homotopic C c) HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.Q ⋯
Instances For
The canonical isomorphism HomotopyCategory.quotient C c ⋙ Qh ≅ Q
- HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.quotientCompQhIso C c = CategoryTheory.Quotient.lift.isLift (homotopic C c) HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso.Q ⋯
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
The homology functor on HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
is induced by
the homology functor on HomotopyCategory C c
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The category HomologicalComplexUpToQuasiIso C c
which was defined as a localization of
HomologicalComplex C c
with respect to quasi-isomorphisms also identify to a localization
of the homotopy category with respect ot quasi-isomorphisms.
- ⋯ = ⋯
The homotopy category satisfies the universal property of the localized category with respect to homotopy equivalences.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯