

Complexes of modules #

We provide some additional API to work with homological complexes in ModuleCat R.

theorem ModuleCat.homology'_ext {R : Type v} [Ring R] {L : ModuleCat R} {M : ModuleCat R} {N : ModuleCat R} {K : ModuleCat R} {f : L M} {g : M N} (w : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp f g = 0) {h : homology' f g w✝ K} {k : homology' f g w✝ K} (w : ∀ (x : (LinearMap.ker g)), h ((CategoryTheory.Limits.cokernel.π (imageToKernel f g w✝)) (ModuleCat.toKernelSubobject x)) = k ((CategoryTheory.Limits.cokernel.π (imageToKernel f g w✝)) (ModuleCat.toKernelSubobject x))) :
h = k

To prove that two maps out of a homology group are equal, it suffices to check they are equal on the images of cycles.

@[inline, reducible]
abbrev ModuleCat.toCycles' {R : Type v} [Ring R] {ι : Type u_1} {c : ComplexShape ι} {C : HomologicalComplex (ModuleCat R) c} {i : ι} (x : (LinearMap.ker (HomologicalComplex.dFrom C i))) :
(CategoryTheory.Subobject.underlying.obj (HomologicalComplex.cycles' C i))

Bundle an element C.X i such that C.dFrom i x = 0 as a term of C.cycles i.

Instances For
    theorem ModuleCat.cycles'_ext {R : Type v} [Ring R] {ι : Type u_1} {c : ComplexShape ι} {C : HomologicalComplex (ModuleCat R) c} {i : ι} {x : (CategoryTheory.Subobject.underlying.obj (HomologicalComplex.cycles' C i))} {y : (CategoryTheory.Subobject.underlying.obj (HomologicalComplex.cycles' C i))} (w : (CategoryTheory.Subobject.arrow (HomologicalComplex.cycles' C i)) x = (CategoryTheory.Subobject.arrow (HomologicalComplex.cycles' C i)) y) :
    x = y
    theorem ModuleCat.cycles'Map_toCycles' {R : Type v} [Ring R] {ι : Type u_1} {c : ComplexShape ι} {C : HomologicalComplex (ModuleCat R) c} {D : HomologicalComplex (ModuleCat R) c} (f : C D) {i : ι} (x : (LinearMap.ker (HomologicalComplex.dFrom C i))) :
    (cycles'Map f i) (ModuleCat.toCycles' x) = ModuleCat.toCycles' { val := (f.f i) x, property := }
    @[inline, reducible]
    abbrev ModuleCat.toHomology' {R : Type v} [Ring R] {ι : Type u_1} {c : ComplexShape ι} {C : HomologicalComplex (ModuleCat R) c} {i : ι} (x : (LinearMap.ker (HomologicalComplex.dFrom C i))) :

    Build a term of C.homology i from an element C.X i such that C.d_from i x = 0.

    Instances For