

Universally closed morphism #

A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y is universally closed if X ×[Y] Y' ⟶ Y' is a closed map for all base change Y' ⟶ Y.

We show that being universally closed is local at the target, and is stable under compositions and base changes.

A morphism of schemes f : X ⟶ Y is universally closed if the base change X ×[Y] Y' ⟶ Y' along any morphism Y' ⟶ Y is (topologically) a closed map.

    theorem AlgebraicGeometry.morphismRestrict_base {X : AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme} {Y : AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme} (f : X Y) (U : TopologicalSpace.Opens Y.toPresheafedSpace) :
    (f ∣_ U).val.base = Set.restrictPreimage U.carrier f.val.base