$Spec$ as a functor to locally ringed spaces. #
We define the functor $Spec$ from commutative rings to locally ringed spaces.
Implementation notes #
We define $Spec$ in three consecutive steps, each with more structure than the last:
, valued in the category of topological spaces,Spec.toSheafedSpace
, valued in the category of sheafed spaces andSpec.toLocallyRingedSpace
, valued in the category of locally ringed spaces.
Additionally, we provide Spec.toPresheafedSpace
as a composition of Spec.toSheafedSpace
a forgetful functor.
Related results #
The adjunction Γ ⊣ Spec
is constructed in Mathlib/AlgebraicGeometry/GammaSpecAdjunction.lean
The spectrum of a commutative ring, as a topological space.
Instances For
The induced map of a ring homomorphism on the ring spectra, as a morphism of topological spaces.
Instances For
The spectrum, as a contravariant functor from commutative rings to topological spaces.
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Instances For
The spectrum of a commutative ring, as a SheafedSpace
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Instances For
The induced map of a ring homomorphism on the ring spectra, as a morphism of sheafed spaces.
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Instances For
Spec, as a contravariant functor from commutative rings to sheafed spaces.
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Instances For
Spec, as a contravariant functor from commutative rings to presheafed spaces.
- AlgebraicGeometry.Spec.toPresheafedSpace = CategoryTheory.Functor.comp AlgebraicGeometry.Spec.toSheafedSpace AlgebraicGeometry.SheafedSpace.forgetToPresheafedSpace
Instances For
The spectrum of a commutative ring, as a LocallyRingedSpace
- AlgebraicGeometry.Spec.locallyRingedSpaceObj R = let __src := AlgebraicGeometry.Spec.sheafedSpaceObj R; { toSheafedSpace := __src, localRing := ⋯ }
Instances For
Under the isomorphisms stalkIso
, the map stalkMap (Spec.sheafedSpaceMap f) p
to the induced local ring homomorphism Localization.localRingHom
The induced map of a ring homomorphism on the prime spectra, as a morphism of locally ringed spaces.
- AlgebraicGeometry.Spec.locallyRingedSpaceMap f = { val := AlgebraicGeometry.Spec.sheafedSpaceMap f, prop := ⋯ }
Instances For
Spec, as a contravariant functor from commutative rings to locally ringed spaces.
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Instances For
The counit morphism R ⟶ Γ(Spec R)
given by AlgebraicGeometry.StructureSheaf.toOpen
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
The counit (SpecΓIdentity.inv.op
) of the adjunction Γ ⊣ Spec
is an isomorphism.
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Instances For
The stalk map of Spec M⁻¹R ⟶ Spec R
is an iso for each p : Spec M⁻¹R
For an algebra f : R →+* S
, this is the ring homomorphism S →+* (f∗ 𝒪ₛ)ₚ
for a p : Spec R
This is shown to be the localization at p
in isLocalizedModule_toPushforwardStalkAlgHom
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Instances For
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This is the AlgHom
version of toPushforwardStalk
, which is the map S ⟶ (f∗ 𝒪ₛ)ₚ
for some
algebra R ⟶ S
and some p : Spec R
- AlgebraicGeometry.StructureSheaf.toPushforwardStalkAlgHom R S p = let __src := AlgebraicGeometry.StructureSheaf.toPushforwardStalk (algebraMap ↑R ↑S) p; { toRingHom := __src, commutes' := ⋯ }
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯