Augmented simplicial objects with an extra degeneracy #
In simplicial homotopy theory, in order to prove that the connected components
of a simplicial set X
are contractible, it suffices to construct an extra
degeneracy as it is defined in Simplicial Homotopy Theory by Goerss-Jardine p. 190.
It consists of a series of maps π₀ X → X _[0]
and X _[n] → X _[n+1]
behave formally like an extra degeneracy σ (-1)
. It can be thought as a datum
associated to the augmented simplicial set X → π₀ X
In this file, we adapt this definition to the case of augmented simplicial objects in any category.
Main definitions #
- the structure
ExtraDegeneracy X
for anyX : SimplicialObject.Augmented C
: extra degeneracies are preserved by the application of any functorC ⥤ D
: the standardn
-simplex has an extra degeneracyArrow.AugmentedCechNerve.extraDegeneracy
: the Čech nerve of a split epimorphism has an extra degeneracyExtraDegeneracy.homotopyEquiv
: in the case the categoryC
is preadditive, if we have an extra degeneracy onX : SimplicialObject.Augmented C
, then the augmentation on the alternating face map complex ofX
is a homotopy equivalence.
References #
- [Paul G. Goerss, John F. Jardine, Simplicial Homotopy Theory][goerss-jardine-2009]
The datum of an extra degeneracy is a technical condition on
augmented simplicial objects. The morphisms s'
and s n
of the
structure formally behave like extra degeneracies σ (-1)
- s' : CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.point.obj X ⟶ (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.drop.obj X).obj (Opposite.op ( 0))
- s : (n : ℕ) → (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.drop.obj X).obj (Opposite.op ( n)) ⟶ (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.drop.obj X).obj (Opposite.op ( (n + 1)))
- s'_comp_ε : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp self.s' ( (Opposite.op ( 0))) = (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.point.obj X)
- s₀_comp_δ₁ : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (self.s 0) (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.δ X.left 1) = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ( (Opposite.op ( 0))) self.s'
- s_comp_δ₀ : ∀ (n : ℕ), CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (self.s n) (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.δ X.left 0) = ((CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.Augmented.drop.obj X).obj (Opposite.op ( n)))
- s_comp_δ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (i : Fin (n + 2)), CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (self.s (n + 1)) (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.δ X.left (Fin.succ i)) = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.δ X.left i) (self.s n)
- s_comp_σ : ∀ (n : ℕ) (i : Fin (n + 1)), CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (self.s n) (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.σ X.left (Fin.succ i)) = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (CategoryTheory.SimplicialObject.σ X.left i) (self.s (n + 1))
Instances For
If ed
is an extra degeneracy for X : SimplicialObject.Augmented C
F : C ⥤ D
is a functor, then F
is an extra degeneracy for the
augmented simplicial object in D
obtained by applying F
to X
- ed F = { s' := ed.s', s := fun (n : ℕ) => (ed.s n), s'_comp_ε := ⋯, s₀_comp_δ₁ := ⋯, s_comp_δ₀ := ⋯, s_comp_δ := ⋯, s_comp_σ := ⋯ }
Instances For
If X
and Y
are isomorphic augmented simplicial objects, then an extra
degeneracy for X
gives also an extra degeneracy for Y
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Instances For
When [HasZero X]
, the shift of a map f : Fin n → X
is a map Fin (n+1) → X
which sends 0
to 0
and i.succ
to f i
- SSet.Augmented.StandardSimplex.shiftFun f i = if x : i = 0 then 0 else f (Fin.pred i x)
Instances For
The shift of a morphism f : [n] → Δ
in SimplexCategory
corresponds to
the monotone map which sends 0
to 0
and i.succ
to f.toOrderHom i
- SSet.Augmented.StandardSimplex.shift f = { toFun := SSet.Augmented.StandardSimplex.shiftFun ⇑(SimplexCategory.Hom.toOrderHom f), monotone' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The obvious extra degeneracy on the standard simplex.
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Instances For
The extra degeneracy map on the Čech nerve of a split epi. It is
given on the 0
-projection by the given section of the split epi,
and by shifting the indices on the other projections.
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Instances For
The augmented Čech nerve associated to a split epimorphism has an extra degeneracy.
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Instances For
If C
is a preadditive category and X
is an augmented simplicial object
in C
that has an extra degeneracy, then the augmentation on the alternating
face map complex of X
is a homotopy equivalence.
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