

Angle between complex numbers #

This file relates the Euclidean geometric notion of angle between complex numbers to the argument of their quotient.


Prove the corresponding results for oriented angles.

Tags #

arc-length, arc-distance

theorem Complex.angle_eq_abs_arg {x : } {y : } (hx : x 0) (hy : y 0) :

The angle between two non-zero complex numbers is the absolute value of the argument of their quotient.

Note that this does not hold when x or y is 0 as the LHS is π / 2 while the RHS is 0.

theorem Complex.angle_mul_left {a : } (ha : a 0) (x : ) (y : ) :
theorem Complex.angle_mul_right {a : } (ha : a 0) (x : ) (y : ) :