Extended norm #
In this file we define a structure ENorm š V
representing an extended norm (i.e., a norm that can
take the value ā
) on a vector space V
over a normed field š
. We do not use class
an ENorm
because the same space can have more than one extended norm. For example, the space of
measurable functions f : Ī± ā ā
has a family of L_p
extended norms.
We prove some basic inequalities, then define
structure onV
corresponding toe : ENorm š V
;- the subspace of vectors with finite norm, called
; - a
structure on this space.
The last definition is an instance because the type involves e
Implementation notes #
We do not define extended normed groups. They can be added to the chain once someone will need them.
Tags #
normed space, extended norm
Extended norm on a vector space. As in the case of normed spaces, we require only
āc ā¢ xā ā¤ ācā * āxā
in the definition, then prove an equality in map_smul
- toFun : V ā ENNReal
Instances For
- ENorm.instCoeFunENormForAllENNReal = { coe := ENorm.toFun }
- ENorm.partialOrder = PartialOrder.mk āÆ
The ENorm
sending each non-zero vector to infinity.
- ENorm.instOrderTopENormToLEToPreorderPartialOrder = OrderTop.mk āÆ
- ENorm.instSemilatticeSupENorm = let __src := ENorm.partialOrder; SemilatticeSup.mk āÆ āÆ āÆ
Structure of an EMetricSpace
defined by an extended norm.
Instances For
The subspace of vectors with finite enorm.
- ENorm.finiteSubspace e = { toAddSubmonoid := { toAddSubsemigroup := { carrier := {x : V | āe x < ā¤}, add_mem' := āÆ }, zero_mem' := āÆ }, smul_mem' := āÆ }
Instances For
Metric space structure on e.finiteSubspace
. We use EMetricSpace.toMetricSpace
to ensure that this definition agrees with e.emetricSpace
Normed group instance on e.finiteSubspace
- ENorm.normedAddCommGroup e = let __src := ENorm.metricSpace e; NormedAddCommGroup.mk āÆ
Normed space instance on e.finiteSubspace
- ENorm.normedSpace e = NormedSpace.mk āÆ