

Instances of the continuous functional calculus #

Main definitions #

Tags #

continuous functional calculus, normal, selfadjoint

instance IsStarNormal.cfc_map {R : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} {p : AProp} [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [MetricSpace R] [TopologicalSemiring R] [ContinuousStar R] [TopologicalSpace A] [Ring A] [StarRing A] [Algebra R A] [ContinuousFunctionalCalculus R p] (a : A) (f : RR) :
  • =

An element in a C⋆-algebra is selfadjoint if and only if it is normal and its spectrum is contained in .

A normal element whose -spectrum is contained in is selfadjoint.

theorem spectrum_star_mul_self_nonneg {A : Type u_1} [NormedRing A] [StarRing A] [CstarRing A] [CompleteSpace A] [NormedAlgebra A] [StarModule A] {b : A} (x : ) :
x spectrum (star b * b)0 x