Deligne's archimedean Gamma-factors #
In the theory of L-series one frequently encounters the following functions (of a complex variable
) introduced in Deligne's landmark paper Valeurs de fonctions L et periodes d'integrales:
$$ \Gamma_{\mathbb{R}}(s) = \pi ^ {-s / 2} \Gamma (s / 2) $$
$$ \Gamma_{\mathbb{C}}(s) = 2 (2 \pi) ^ {-s} \Gamma (s). $$
These are the factors that need to be included in the Dedekind zeta function of a number field for each real, resp. complex, infinite place.
(Note that these are not the same as Mathlib's Real.Gamma
vs. Complex.Gamma
; Deligne's
functions both take a complex variable as input.)
This file defines these functions, and proves some elementary properties, including a reflection formula which is an important input in functional equations of (un-completed) Dirichlet L-functions.
Deligne's archimedean Gamma factor for a real infinite place.
See "Valeurs de fonctions L et periodes d'integrales" § 5.3. Note that this is not the same as
; in particular it is a function ℂ → ℂ
- Complex.Gammaℝ s = ↑Real.pi ^ (-s / 2) * Complex.Gamma (s / 2)
Instances For
Deligne's archimedean Gamma factor for a complex infinite place.
See "Valeurs de fonctions L et periodes d'integrales" § 5.3. (Some authors omit the factor of 2).
Note that this is not the same as Complex.Gamma
- Complex.Gammaℂ s = 2 * (2 * ↑Real.pi) ^ (-s) * Complex.Gamma s
Instances For
Reformulation of the doubling formula in terms of Gammaℝ
Reformulation of the reflection formula in terms of Gammaℝ
Another formulation of the reflection formula in terms of Gammaℝ
Formulation of reflection formula tailored to functional equations of L-functions of even Dirichlet characters (including Riemann zeta).
Formulation of reflection formula tailored to functional equations of L-functions of odd Dirichlet characters.