Opposite adjunctions #
This file contains constructions to relate adjunctions of functors to adjunctions of their opposites. These constructions are used to show uniqueness of adjoints (up to natural isomorphism).
Tags #
adjunction, opposite, uniqueness
If G.op
is adjoint to F.op
then F
is adjoint to G
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Instances For
If G
is adjoint to F.op
then F
is adjoint to G.unop
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Instances For
If G.op
is adjoint to F
then F.unop
is adjoint to G
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Instances For
If G
is adjoint to F
then F.unop
is adjoint to G.unop
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Instances For
If G
is adjoint to F
then F.op
is adjoint to G.op
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Instances For
If G
is adjoint to F.unop
then F
is adjoint to G.op
Instances For
If G.unop
is adjoint to F
then F.op
is adjoint to G
Instances For
If G.unop
is adjoint to F.unop
then F
is adjoint to G
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Instances For
If F
and F'
are both adjoint to G
, there is a natural isomorphism
F.op ⋙ coyoneda ≅ F'.op ⋙ coyoneda
We use this in combination with fullyFaithfulCancelRight
to show left adjoints are unique.
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Instances For
If F
and F'
are both left adjoint to G
, then they are naturally isomorphic.
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Instances For
If G
and G'
are both right adjoint to F
, then they are naturally isomorphic.
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Instances For
Given two adjunctions, if the left adjoints are naturally isomorphic, then so are the right adjoints.
- CategoryTheory.Adjunction.natIsoOfLeftAdjointNatIso adj1 adj2 l = CategoryTheory.Adjunction.rightAdjointUniq adj1 (CategoryTheory.Adjunction.ofNatIsoLeft adj2 l.symm)
Instances For
Given two adjunctions, if the right adjoints are naturally isomorphic, then so are the left adjoints.
- CategoryTheory.Adjunction.natIsoOfRightAdjointNatIso adj1 adj2 r = CategoryTheory.Adjunction.leftAdjointUniq adj1 (CategoryTheory.Adjunction.ofNatIsoRight adj2 r.symm)