2-commutative squares of functors #
Similarly as CommSq.lean
defines the notion of commutative squares,
this file introduces the notion of 2-commutative squares of functors.
If T : C₁ ⥤ C₂
, L : C₁ ⥤ C₃
, R : C₂ ⥤ C₄
, B : C₃ ⥤ C₄
are functors,
then [CatCommSq T L R B]
contains the datum of an isomorphism T ⋙ R ≅ L ⋙ B
Future work: using this notion in the development of the localization of categories (e.g. localization of adjunctions).
CatCommSq T L R B
expresses that there is a 2-commutative square of functors, where
the functors T
, L
, R
and B
are respectively the left, top, right and bottom functors
of the square.
- iso' : CategoryTheory.Functor.comp T R ≅ CategoryTheory.Functor.comp L B
the isomorphism corresponding to a 2-commutative diagram
Assuming [CatCommSq T L R B]
, iso T L R B
is the isomorphism T ⋙ R ≅ L ⋙ B
given by the 2-commutative square.
- CategoryTheory.CatCommSq.iso T L R B = CategoryTheory.CatCommSq.iso'
Instances For
Horizontal composition of 2-commutative squares
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Instances For
Vertical composition of 2-commutative squares
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Instances For
Horizontal inverse of a 2-commutative square
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Instances For
In a square of categories, when the top and bottom functors are part of equivalence of categorires, it is equivalent to show 2-commutativity for the functors of these equivalences or for their inverses.
- CategoryTheory.CatCommSq.hInvEquiv T L R B = { toFun := CategoryTheory.CatCommSq.hInv T L R B, invFun := CategoryTheory.CatCommSq.hInv T.symm R L B.symm, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯ }