The core of a category #
The core of a category C
is the (non-full) subcategory of C
consisting of all objects,
and all isomorphisms. We construct it as a CategoryTheory.Groupoid
CategoryTheory.Core.inclusion : Core C ⥤ C
gives the faithful inclusion into the original
Any functor F
from a groupoid G
into C
factors through CategoryTheory.Core C
but this is not functorial with respect to F
The core of a category C is the groupoid whose morphisms are all the isomorphisms of C.
- CategoryTheory.Core C = C
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.coreCategory = (fun {X Y : CategoryTheory.Core C} (f : X ⟶ Y) => f.symm) ⋯ ⋯
The core of a category is naturally included in the category.
- CategoryTheory.Core.inclusion C = { toPrefunctor := { obj := id, map := fun {X Y : CategoryTheory.Core C} (f : X ⟶ Y) => f.hom }, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
- ⋯ = ⋯
A functor from a groupoid to a category C factors through the core of C.
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Instances For
We can functorially associate to any functor from a groupoid to the core of a category C
a functor from the groupoid to C
, simply by composing with the embedding Core C ⥤ C
- CategoryTheory.Core.forgetFunctorToCore = (CategoryTheory.whiskeringRight G (CategoryTheory.Core C) C).obj (CategoryTheory.Core.inclusion C)
Instances For
ofEquivFunctor m
lifts a type-level EquivFunctor
to a categorical functor Core (Type u₁) ⥤ Core (Type u₂)
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