

Effectively enough objects in the image of a functor #

We define the class F.EffectivelyEnough on a functor F : C ⥤ D which says that for every object in D, there exists an effective epi to it from an object in the image of F.


An effective presentation of an object X with respect to a functor F is the data of an effective epimorphism of the form F.obj p ⟶ X.

  • p : C

    The object of C giving the source of the effective epi

  • f : F.obj self.p X

    The morphism F.obj p ⟶ X

  • effectiveEpi : CategoryTheory.EffectiveEpi self.f

    f is an effective epi

Instances For

    D has *effectively enough objects with respect to the functor F if every object has an effective presentation.


      F.effectiveEpiOverObj X provides an arbitrarily chosen object in the image of F equipped with an effective epimorphism F.effectiveEpiOver : F.effectiveEpiOverObj X ⟶ X.

      Instances For

        The epimorphism F.effectiveEpiOver : F.effectiveEpiOverObj X ⟶ X from the arbitrarily chosen object in the image of F over X.

        Instances For

          An effective presentation of an object with respect to an equivalence of categories.

          Instances For