Decomposition of objects into connected components and applications #
We show that in a Galois category every object is the (finite) coproduct of connected subobjects. This has many useful corollaries, in particular that the fiber of every object is represented by a Galois object.
Main results #
: Every object is the sum of its (finitely many) connected components.fiber_in_connected_component
: An element of the fiber ofX
lies in the fiber of some connected component.connected_component_unique
: Up to isomorphism, for each elementx
in the fiber ofX
there is only one connected component whose fiber containsx
: The fiber ofX
is represented by some Galois objectA
: Evaluation at somea
in the fiber ofA
induces a bijectionA ⟶ X
toF.obj X
References #
- [lenstraGSchemes]: H. W. Lenstra. Galois theory for schemes.
Decomposition in connected components #
To show that an object X
of a Galois category admits a decomposition into connected objects,
we proceed by induction on the cardinality of the fiber under an arbitrary fiber functor.
If X
is connected, there is nothing to show. If not, we can write X
as the sum of two
non-trivial subobjects which have strictly smaller fiber and conclude by the induction hypothesis.
In a Galois category, every object is the sum of connected objects.
In a Galois category, every object is the sum of connected objects.
Every element in the fiber of X
lies in some connected component of X
Up to isomorphism an element of the fiber of X
only lies in one connected component.
Galois representative of fiber #
If X
is any object, then its fiber is represented by some Galois object: There exists
a Galois object A
and an element a
in the fiber of A
such that the
evaluation at a
from A ⟶ X
to F.obj X
is bijective.
To show this we consider the product ∏ (fun _ : F.obj X ↦ X)
and let A
be the connected component whose fiber contains the element a
in the fiber of the self product
that has at each index x : F.obj X
the element x
This A
is Galois and evaluation at a
is bijective.
Reference: [lenstraGSchemes, 3.14]
The fiber of any object in a Galois category is represented by a Galois object.
Any element in the fiber of an object X
is the evaluation of a morphism from a
Galois object.
Any object with non-empty fiber admits a hom from a Galois object.
Any connected object admits a hom from a Galois object.